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the_original_Retro t1_itqbc1p wrote

It's quite a story you're telling, and the palette and angle here are great... but I at first thought it was a toothy tentacle coming out of the dumpster.

Had to look a lot closer before I realized what actually was happening. Dunno if others think the same, but the structure of the work at first misleads the eye in that part of the picture.


animaljku t1_itqix62 wrote

I thought the same thing. I think the fact that the dumpster has an open lid makes it appear that the tail/tentacle is coming out of the dumpster. Then you notice the sign up top that says Dino Expo. The dumpster looks to be sticking out past the corner of the building as well which is confusing slightly.

It's well done and I love the angle and the feeling of the image. it's just slightly confusing at first until you've had a minute to digest it. The stop sign is what made me continue looking to figure out what was really going on.


the_original_Retro t1_itqkm4y wrote

At the risk of being overly critical, I was a huge dinosaur fan when I was a kid, and still kinda am.

No dinos that I'm aware of have that kind of spiky "middle upper" tail. They're usually further at the back so the animal can swing the tail as a weapon. So I looked at it, didn't see "dino", and so thought "tentacle" instead.


animaljku t1_itql4j4 wrote

I agree with that take. I think that is a plausible reason I didn't snap to it being a dino also.


Adam-Scythe OP t1_itrr9wf wrote

Thank you! Well, I see your point. Maybe the hidden clues help to go in the dino-like creature direction :)


the_original_Retro t1_itrwcaa wrote

Glad you're open to the input, OP. Appreciate that you appreciate.

It's a really well done work, it's just the part I mentioned... kinda throws viewers off.