
animaljku t1_ixo598o wrote

If you look at what is required to make a solar panel start to finish, you’d see that the amount of mining, diesel fuel used by mining equipment and transportation of goods…etc. had a way bigger impact on the environment. Solar panels are not recyclable. They leach out harmful chemicals into the soil as they age. They aren’t as bad as lithium batteries but still pretty bad!


animaljku t1_ixiubkz wrote

"with a key objective to demonstrate 26%-efficient modules or higher on industrial scale."

"Measuring efficiency is fairly simple. If a solar panel has 20 percent efficiency, that means it’s capable of converting 20 percent of the sunshine hitting it into electricity. The highest efficiency solar panels on the market today can reach almost 23 percent efficiency. The average efficiency of solar panels falls between the 17 to 19 percent efficiency range."

That means they will be 74% in-efficient. That just really seems like a waste of time and money.

Solar panels are a waste of money for what you get out of them. It takes way more energy to create a solar panel then you will ever get out of them.


animaljku t1_itqix62 wrote

I thought the same thing. I think the fact that the dumpster has an open lid makes it appear that the tail/tentacle is coming out of the dumpster. Then you notice the sign up top that says Dino Expo. The dumpster looks to be sticking out past the corner of the building as well which is confusing slightly.

It's well done and I love the angle and the feeling of the image. it's just slightly confusing at first until you've had a minute to digest it. The stop sign is what made me continue looking to figure out what was really going on.