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newbies13 t1_jc0k8b1 wrote

Not sure I get the message. Aren't fiduciary's legally bound to act in your interests compared to your typical finance planner? But this seems to be putting them in a negative light.


SixethJerzathon t1_jc149n2 wrote

People on reddit circle jerk to the term fiduciary while simultaneously forgetting Bernie Madoff was a fiduciary....just look at the people commenting here.


KanyeDeOuest t1_jc2bgx5 wrote

Yes, and what Madoff did was illegal and got served 150 years in prison. I.e, not acting as a fiduciary.


indypendant13 t1_jc0uhi1 wrote

Came here to say the same. A fiduciary is exactly the opposite of what OP thinks it to be. What we need are more fiduciaries and fewer everything else financial.


inelasticplastick t1_jc13atp wrote

but fiduciary is different from fidoucheiary


travischapmanart OP t1_jc143dc wrote

Yes they are wildly different because the word douche. that’s indicates the person managing the money is unscrupulous.


javaargusavetti t1_jc1l6gy wrote

I get it its a play on words, for the term for the good one, to come up with a similar sounding term for the bad one. I think people’s initial reaction is that the intent is to sling mud on the good one


newbies13 t1_jc3s2rr wrote

If that's the angle you're going to go with, then the art could be literally anyone. As anyone can be a douche. I don't think that's what you're saying though, I think you didn't bother to lookup what a fiduciary is, giggled when you realized it had douche in there, and tried to cash in on some of that sweet bankers are evil karma.

You could just own that, but I guess even people with paintbrushes can be douches.