
inelasticplastick t1_j281t96 wrote

i wasn’t asking my question rhetorically

i view paper and pencil as analagous as art-making tools

my understanding of the law regarding art reproduction seems to be different than u. i guess ais alter images prior to delivery. if that’s the case, assuming the amount of alteration is sufficient, i don’t see any infringement


inelasticplastick t1_j27oioh wrote

absolutely. i hope so too. i know a lot of people are working hard to put the right resources in the right places. and my sense is that vermont is doing an admiral, certainly with room for improvement, job of navigating its dairy heritage and present day realities with the lake’s needs.


inelasticplastick t1_j27e3e0 wrote

agreed and i’m encouraged by the active coordinated efforts to maintain or improve its water quality between quebec, new york, and vermont.

there are concerning outbreaks every summer for swimmers in certain bays and often near a population center like btv.


inelasticplastick t1_j26gi1k wrote

some of my ideas:

no billboards

hundreds of miles of shoreline on the largest non-great lake in the continental united states. the other side of the lake is rural adirondack ny and the lake is notably clean and deep

one of the strongest agricultural reputations in the world. international beer and cheese awards frequently go to vermont artisans. as well as the dairy expertise, a lot of prime grade a farmland.

one of the most citizen-centric political systems in country