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TIH99 OP t1_j98an62 wrote

This art piece is my answer to everyone bored by all these naked women artworks.


StrwbrryStrs t1_j994g7a wrote

This is so refreshing! Thank you for breaking up the monotony of back breaking ass/boob combo shots


rachelgraychel t1_j99q2dr wrote

Nice lol. But if you really want to give it that special r/art touch, you can't just call it "naked dude."

You have to give it a title like "contemplation" or "pathos" or something that sounds serious but has little to do with the artwork, to give it that veneer of legitimacy so people can pretend it has a deeper meaning than "hey.. Look at that D."


-little-dorrit- t1_j99u2wt wrote

I actually think “hey.. look at that d” would work so well as a title. It’s ambitious, confronting us with our motives for looking, while also laying the artist’s motives bare. It’s “real” and thick with irony (- is that pretentious enough?)


Spirited_Sun_9904 t1_j9dzjk9 wrote

Maybe “epidermis”. Sounds pretentious but is actually just another name for skin.


northeastknowwhere t1_j98leyh wrote

I can validate the premise. A few seem to lament the absence of male nudes and seemingly more often now, question the plethora of female nudes.


vee_lan_cleef t1_j998wa3 wrote

It does get tiring when it seems all the posts from this subreddit that end up on my front page are female nudes. When I actually visit the subreddit though it's clear there is far more here than that. For the most part, I don't click anything here that's NSFW anymore because I pretty much know what it will be.


northeastknowwhere t1_j9aqu0o wrote

One third of Reddit users are under 30 and of those, mostly male. Resistance is futile.


fuckmefuckmefuckm t1_j98q8oc wrote

Yeah that other person is talking nonsense about the "facts" as if the last mere 30 posts are responsible for the entire history. Anyone who's not blind can see it. I am also one of the people bored of them.

Thank you for the male nude, much appreciated. I am also trying to contribute male nudes. There are not enough.

The day i see a headless conventionally attractive male nude in these art subs is the day some small equality will be achieved LOL


[deleted] t1_j996k37 wrote



fuckmefuckmefuckm t1_j99bero wrote

Pearl clutching? Me? You wanna see my post/comment history? Let me explain it like this. It's like in video games when female characters have booby armor and male characters wearing the same gear are fully covered.

Do I have a problem with the over sexualization of exclusively females? Yes. But only in the absence of over-sexualization of males. Would I have a problem with it if that same sexualization occurred with the males? No, in fact, that's my ideal world. Call it pearl clutching, but to me, it's simply being tired of sexist double standards.

Pearl clutching would be me going "wtf so many nude bodies! stop it!!" and not having an issue with anything else except the fact that a naked woman is on my screen, which is simply not the case and is a bad faith way to view the issue. I'm not asking for less female nudes. I'm asking for more male ones. Also, I'd simply just filter out nsfw. I appreciate NSFW content, just wish it were more equal.

To Tl;Dr:

>So, hey more naked men, that's great.


nodogsallowed23 t1_j9c0drs wrote

This is the point I’m always trying to make but no one in my life ever understands. I don’t care about nudity itself. It’s that it almost always exclusively female full nudity and we might get a male butt. If there’s going to be full female nudity, there should be full male nudity too. If there can’t be full male nudity, then there shouldn’t be full female nudity.

I’m not a prude by a long shot, but this opinion gets construed that way frequently.

Honestly there is no way there will ever be less female nudity. That fight will never win. The only way to make things equal is to increase male nudity, and then fight to stop exploitative nudity for both sides.


PM_ME_SEXIST_OPINION t1_j996xqf wrote

You could be construed to be doing such right now by commenting lol. All pearl clutchers are doing is saying "me no like thing so thing bad!!"


[deleted] t1_j9a0zxn wrote

We can take it further. Last 70 posts at that time: no female nudes. It’s a verifiable fact. 70 posts. Not one naked female. You can’t upheld that this sub is flooded with them.

So stop pushing your puritan agenda. Nudity is part of art. It always has been.


SerGeffrey t1_j9aodvv wrote

Well I wasn't bored of the naked women artworks, but I like this too 😄


Kessynder t1_j9chzcz wrote

I knew exactly what this is. Check my post history. Right there with you. /r/Art is turning into /r/boobies.


[deleted] t1_j98dnj2 wrote

What is the point you’re trying to make? I don’t get it.


TIH99 OP t1_j98gmdo wrote

It’s just for fun and because everytime you go into this sub you see some kind of drawing of a naked woman so i decided to draw a naked man instead.


[deleted] t1_j98m8m7 wrote

I can give you the fun part, but from the latest 30 posts on this sub, there’s zero naked women. You can check it for yourself.

I believe this is more framing for whatever reason than it is anything else.

Don’t mean to start a debate. But let’s stick to the facts.


TIH99 OP t1_j98mspv wrote

I started this drawing like a week ago or so. Saw many posts at that time with people under it discussing over all the naked women art so i commented about drawing naked dudes instead so i did. But yeah at the end it’s just fun and maybe some of you like the artwork.


[deleted] t1_j98nhkt wrote

I admire your composed answers. And I’ve seen some of your works. I like your style.


TIH99 OP t1_j98nq2p wrote

Thank you very much. I‘m glad you like my stuff.


playfellow_ t1_j98rm3m wrote

Can’t tell if this is a joke or genuine under the context of this discussion…


[deleted] t1_j99st04 wrote

It’s genuine. I don’t care about the downvotes. It only shows how puritan some of the people here are.

It’s an actual fact that from the last fifty contributions not one of them was of a naked woman.

People that are bothered by nudity keep telling us over and over how bad it is, to the point some of us started believing in it.

What are the downvotes for? For pointing out a fact? Can’t be that. For claiming that it’s framing? Well, I’m very curious what else it could be then.


playfellow_ t1_j99z02o wrote

It’s because you’re being a downer when the point of the post is humor


[deleted] t1_j9a0pwi wrote

The point that’s being made is a serious one. If you would actually read the thread, you can see me and OP totally agreed on the funny part and I complimented him for his style.

Doesn’t mean you can’t discuss serious issues if the issue is wrapped in a funny package.


playfellow_ t1_j9a1muo wrote

I’m just being honest about how I think your post is being perceived by the folks here. I’m not attacking you.


[deleted] t1_j9a2bba wrote

Alright thanks for the clarification. I get your point.


Cu_fola t1_j9atl3r wrote

You’re calling people puritans who are pleased to see a nude drawing of a man at half mast.

There are days/weeks where multiple nude drawings of women from this sub cross my feed. Very seldom days at all where a male nude does.


[deleted] t1_j9atq2o wrote

No I’m not doing that. I’ve no problem with people enjoying this. Who I am calling puritans are people that take offence with “sometimes multiple pieces of art with naked women” a week.

There’s nothing inherently bad about a naked woman and “multiple a week” is not much.

Are you gonna complain at the museum too if there’s multiple paintings of naked women?

If you are bothered by nudity, filter out NSFW posts. If you want more naked men, just say so. I’ve no problem with that whatsoever. I don’t particularly like to look at naked men, but nudity isn’t offensive to me. Female nor male.


Cu_fola t1_j9avx27 wrote

But the people you’re accusing of Puritanism are the same people who like this post.

You’re the one misreading the room.

They’re not against female nudity, they’re against the skew towards the same boring, overdone nudity that you see in abundance here and most places. A few, fairly overdone female body types in a few fairly overdone poses with little variation in expression or apparent purpose. Only thing that consistently changes are the props and medium.

Granted, it’s a sub with many amateurs and students who probably look up “female nude pose” which is a good way to find mostly 3 modes: langorous, demure and vaguely erotic

Until you start plugging in more specific search terms.

But my point stands. Multiple a day or week and virtually no other types of nudes for long stretches is a significant skew.


[deleted] t1_j9axxsk wrote

Look. I’m not misreading. I’m bothered by anything that is boring or overdone as much as anyone. What I find much more bothersome than “excessive” nudity is the abundance of sketchbook photos with obviously and purposefully low effort contributions. Yet there’s not much talk about that at all.

Yet however, underneath a just posted piece that obviously took a lot of skill to make, there are already people crying “again a woman with her tits out”. It’s so disrespectful rejecting a piece just because of the nudity. This was not a sketch done in two minutes. It wasn’t inappropriate or pornographic.

At least then make a distinction in responses. Don’t write: booo, nude women again. Rather mention the fact that it was low effort, distasteful or downright pornographic.

So no, it’s not just people that are only bothered by boring nudes (whatever that is. Who gets to decide what’s boring? And then it it’s boring to some, what does that even mean?). It’s for a large part people bothered by nudes in general.


Cu_fola t1_j9b2ci9 wrote

I don’t comment “ugh another woman with her tits out” because I don’t like discouraging people

but Unoriginal, heavily aestheticized vaguely erotic art with ostentatious titles doesn’t get privilege over “low effort pornographic sketches”

Comparatively superior technique is, at most, enough to convince me someone cares about technique for a limited style.

Most of the classically designated tasteful female nudity here doesn’t elevate the art above banal “tasteful” titillation or stylistically limited over-aestheticization of the female form.

People are free to post what they want, and the critics are free to call out what they want.


[deleted] t1_j9b822o wrote

Anyone is free to call out whatever anyone wants - and so I am free to call out a lot of the critics.

Point is that anything you mention above is subjective and the fact that it may get a lot of likes, doesn’t make it more true.

Some of the Great Masters were shooed away in their own era. By no means do I mean to say the (arguably cheap) nudity posters here are the new great artists of this century. I’m only saying that we shouldn’t be too eager to pretend that what we think is unoriginal, actually is unoriginal to all.

I don’t we even disagree that much. Some - if not a lot - of the nudity posts bother me (but same goes for a share of the non-nudity posts too). Maybe only in the respect that I try not to judge a piece by originality or good taste. (I mean: I do judge, but not out in the open). The only instance in which I do do that, is when I think someone is trolling.

But then one might object - and maybe quite reasonably so - that following my own reasoning, I shouldn’t judge the supposed troll either.

Anyway, thanks for the debate. You thought it well through. Also thanks for keeping it clean. I sometimes get carried away in a discussion, but since that didn’t really happen here, I think that’s at least partly due to you.


Cu_fola t1_j9bhrgi wrote

I think my problem with that is that people who got shooed away only to later become regarded as masters were people who did something less common and got picked on for it

But I do agree that reception is highly subjective and concede that something might feel novel to someone just starting out