Submitted by SazarMoose t3_z9603t in AskReddit
Apart-Window-1792 t1_iyf504i wrote
I don’t care. I’m just tired of hearing people talk about it like it’s a matter of life or death.
The_BrainDancer t1_iyf51bu wrote
if we can hump dead animals and antelopes Then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elope
Cornbreaker t1_iyf51pm wrote
I don't care, it's not my business
weaintfancy42069 t1_iyf52dg wrote
They’re gay
Legitknotsee t1_iyf52qy wrote
I think they're gay.
The_Paradoxigm t1_iyf5330 wrote
Same as non same sex marriage.
Do what you want.
Due-Balance-2206 t1_iyf53qn wrote
Good for them
Fun_Mistake4299 t1_iyf5bhx wrote
FoxxyFredd t1_iyf5c0m wrote
Who people marry is none of my business. As long as you love each other and you’re not marrying a child my opinion should make no difference. Love is love.
unicorn-semen t1_iyf5esf wrote
If two consenting adults love each other and want to get married, more power to them.
Anti-Climacdik t1_iyf5fn1 wrote
More acceptable than limpwristed pseudo-controversial karmabait textposting
stinkapottamus t1_iyf5rgr wrote
I hate controversial topics but for some reason I feel like responding to this. Without getting political, because my views fall on both sides, as I believe most do, I can’t imagine why anyone would care who someone marries. I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry was a funny movie about 2 friends who got married for health insurance reasons (I think). I often hear things like this as an argument for how the world will be exploited by same sex marriages. I’m a mid 30s business owner married for 7 years. I’m in love with my wife, but the reason we got married 7 years ago was because I had a health issue that was going to be expensive without health insurance, so we got married and I got immediately added to her policy. So a 50k problem cost me $500. So why is it different for someone who is gay.
mywifeisamilf420 t1_iyf5sey wrote
it literally is a matter of life or death in some countries, and so many people are still being bullied and hurt and killed for being homosexual even where same sex marriage is legal.
takethelastexit t1_iyf5u73 wrote
Cool? I don’t really care about marriage in general but if it makes people happy that’s great for them
Objective_Stick8335 t1_iyf5w11 wrote
Don't care for the terminology but can't summon the energy to actually complain.
NashvilleDave2021 t1_iyf5y8l wrote
Not my business and it creeps me out that people and governments think that it is theirs.
BeardedSmitty t1_iyf5yqe wrote
There needs to be a spaghetti award for all the Marshall Mathers one liners.
sarmstrong1961 t1_iyf5zdt wrote
I know it's not a popular opinion but I really, deep down, don't think that anyone should get married. Statistics show that the only thing that can truly prevent divorce is never getting married in the first place.
oceansblue1984 t1_iyf66m8 wrote
I don't care. It doesn't impact my life in a negative way . People get one life to live, if they aren't hurting anyone then let people live their lives. Why are people insistent on making other people's life's miserable just because they want to be happy in their lives.
Apart-Window-1792 t1_iyf6lbk wrote
I mean homosexuality could be. But same sex marriage itself isn’t. Like if homosexuality is legal but marriage isn’t, you aren’t going to die. You can still be with your partner for life. A marriage certificate is just paper.
ImpliedSlashS t1_iyf6sd2 wrote
Homicide also works
mywifeisamilf420 t1_iyf6zuk wrote
obviously it won’t kill you to not get married but it’s not equal or fair.. for what
Apart-Window-1792 t1_iyf766n wrote
Right. But I said “a matter of life or death” not if it’s fair or not.
mywifeisamilf420 t1_iyf7kbp wrote
you’d understand if you were in their position.
Apart-Window-1792 t1_iyf7tn7 wrote
So I would fall over dead if I was homosexual and not married? Wow.
chunwookie t1_iyf7vjo wrote
Should hetero couples who either don't want or can't have children be allowed to marry?
Piri_Reis96 t1_iyf83v1 wrote
gross and abnormal
Account-by-force t1_iyf867q wrote
I think that people can marry whoever they want. And if anybody got a problem with it, that’s their problem and nothing else.
[deleted] t1_iyf87qd wrote
FoxxyFredd t1_iyf8a2h wrote
Many people are killed each year simply for loving someone of the same gender. No, they do not simply “fall over dead”. Even being accused of homosexuality can lead to torture in some places.
Apart-Window-1792 t1_iyf8ov0 wrote
I don’t think you understand. MARRIAGE.
I think you people are purposely playing dense just to argue
Awesomejuggler20 t1_iyf8zum wrote
Why would I have a problem with it? If the couple is happy, then good for them and I wish them the best together. If they’re happy, that’s all that matters. Nothing wrong with it.
chunwookie t1_iyf9bgf wrote
You are acting like the only benefit of marriage is tax related. There are a host of other factors that are important too. Inheriting property, medical and legal decision making, among others. Preventing a couple who are committed to each other from marrying simply because they can't have children needlessly complicates their lives. It also ignores the possibility that the two could choose to adopt children after marriage.
DeerTrivia t1_iyf9rqa wrote
I'm embarrassed that it's even still an issue. They should be legal.
[deleted] t1_iyf9tk0 wrote
DeerTrivia t1_iyfa2m3 wrote
It's not just paper. There are legal benefits that come with marriage.
Tistoer t1_iyfa3p9 wrote
You can get kids without marriage, I think you just hate the whole idea of marriage
Display250 t1_iyfacxi wrote
That people who ask these kind of questions probably have a mental incapacitation
[deleted] t1_iyfaqi1 wrote
DeerTrivia t1_iyfb2ev wrote
Since when is the goal of human society to produce a flourishing human population? We're already well on our way to being overpopulated, and I'd argue there's a pretty large chunk of people who aren't flourishing right now. If anything, letting LGBTQ+ adopt children would do more for modeling and promoting a stable family unit than leaving those kids in foster care.
Tistoer t1_iyfb66r wrote
And married hetero couples are worth anything to society?
[deleted] t1_iyfblbn wrote
[deleted] t1_iyfbu36 wrote
Emperor_Cartagia t1_iyfc5ig wrote
I think they're marriages and they're none of my business.
DeerTrivia t1_iyfckwz wrote
> I’m not sure I agree. I don’t know what kind of outcomes we can expect from letting same sex couples raise children and I’m not in favor of experimenting on kids to find out.
Good thing those experiments have already been done, and found no difference in outcomes.
> I’d say the goal of every organism is to flourish so I guess that’s been our goals since forever.
Clearly not, when huge societies like China tightly control population growth.
"Humanity" has no goal. You could say as a species we have an evolutionary drive to propogate, but we ignore or overcome our evolutionary limitations all the time. And more importantly, not every member of that species feels that need to propogate. Homosexuality occurs in many different species. So why should they be held to an evolutionary standard that doesn't apply to them?
Tistoer t1_iyfcs5l wrote
At least 90% of worldwide problems are caused by overpopulation. There were 2,6 billion people in 1950, 70 years later it's 8 billion. With this growth we simply cannot survive.
If two happy men or women decide to love eachother and not have a baby, it's only better for the world.
MisstressMary t1_iyfd7c5 wrote
I don't mind it, as long as the couple end up being happy with each other
Catwhacker t1_iyfd9qw wrote
Yeah I second your stance
[deleted] t1_iyfdckd wrote
[deleted] t1_iyfdqts wrote
[deleted] t1_iyf503d wrote
Be happy.