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_manicpixie t1_j6p7mat wrote


Ready to practice violin. Might make some bath bombs and leave some cinnamon rolls to rise overnight for eating in the am.

Off days are magical.


HoneyBolt91 t1_j6p98q1 wrote

Struggling with anxiety today


FEA0709 t1_j6p65ln wrote

Exhausted of many things, but determined. You?


MisterApplePie00 t1_j6p9ycw wrote

Like most days, shit

Days are 1 of 2 things either meh/nothing/grey or shit


[deleted] t1_j6p6qw5 wrote

Ill, as always lol


fuckinggeek t1_j6p7mxo wrote

Amazing. I just recovered from a cold.


mersinia t1_j6p8qwl wrote

Okayish, kinda tired, it's like 15 minutes until tomorrow so thank you for asking today.


hmhbr t1_j6p9opt wrote

I don't have much but I'm feeling positive. I am at the bottom in many ways, so it can only be up from here. I cannot put my feeling good in relying on anything else, objects or people, I have to be good in myself, which I have been today. So, I can do some things, feel good in myself, get very fit, and I'll see what happens. Maybe I don't need people, but maybe others might be looking for someone who seems to have their shit together, and mine might be together now. I shall be the pied piper of delusion.


Araider_35 t1_j6pdcoo wrote

Hungry but I don’t know what to eat.


rufusclark t1_j6pf077 wrote

I’m OK. Been resting in bed most of the day. I’m having a bad rheumatoid arthritis flare and I have to go to dialysis tomorrow. I try to rest a lot on non-dialysis days.


Apple78243 t1_j6phxep wrote

Would be content with the idea of not feeling tomorrow