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chef_dad64 t1_jaescu8 wrote

The politicians and corporate leaders need to stop being selfish pieces of shit.


Candid-Cow2164 t1_jaesi7l wrote

Stop mass production and consumption. But humans are greedy. Idk if we can do that as a whole for the planet


ModsareDickSuckers t1_jaesipu wrote

Admit that there is no issue with climate change and continue technological advancements undeterred.


YrPrblmsArntMyPrblms t1_jaeu6p2 wrote

Climate changes every couple ten thousands of years... What can we do about it? You must be kidding, we are powerless, unless we can control the Earth's and Sun's magnetic field, which we can't.

Everyone on the fear of dying out train, read the whole research papers and stop listening to the distilled, biased bullshit articles that only want attention of the idiots.

Richard Linzen published a shitload of studies and he's not the self proclaimed climage expert (he's the actual expert), like every damn scientist proclaimed themselves once the funding for that area skyrocketed. Use your gray and read the whole studies.