
YrPrblmsArntMyPrblms t1_jaex6qh wrote

What information would make you less anxious about moving to your new apartment?

I believe anxiety is a consequence of not having enough information (by ones own standard)/experience about something.

We can reduce anxiety, but we can't get rid of it entirely. All emotions are useful, even negative ones, there are no bad emotions, just negative and positive ones. We just need to learn how to cope with them.


YrPrblmsArntMyPrblms t1_jaeu6p2 wrote

Climate changes every couple ten thousands of years... What can we do about it? You must be kidding, we are powerless, unless we can control the Earth's and Sun's magnetic field, which we can't.

Everyone on the fear of dying out train, read the whole research papers and stop listening to the distilled, biased bullshit articles that only want attention of the idiots.

Richard Linzen published a shitload of studies and he's not the self proclaimed climage expert (he's the actual expert), like every damn scientist proclaimed themselves once the funding for that area skyrocketed. Use your gray and read the whole studies.


YrPrblmsArntMyPrblms t1_iy48s7k wrote

I'm explaining why things happen.

Being violent means you're a bad person, but not being capable of violence (being a rabbit, which can not do anything, but get eaten) does not mean you're a good person by default.

Being a good person - which many consider themselves to be - is hard. To be a good person you have to be a monster, but then not act monstrously.


YrPrblmsArntMyPrblms t1_iy2tf95 wrote

Wrong conclusion. We've come from hitting someone to abuse, not the same. Abuse is hitting someone repeatedly, over a longer time span, hitting someone once isin't necessarily abuse. You don't need to tell me that it is wrong, I'm not 5. Consider the person you're talking to is resonable if you want to be treated as someone resonable yourself.


YrPrblmsArntMyPrblms t1_iy2r8sw wrote

>You’re mistaking it for a spouse.

Probably, yeah.

>And u don’t need to be married to not suffer abuse.

That was not my point. It is self evident that hitting is not okay. Yet I see it being trumpeted as if everyone is 5.

My point is, no matter how wrong something is, under certain circumstances people will do things that are wrong. There's no denying that. But I guess you already know that.

Either most people or a boisterous minority are not fully aware of what potential for evil lies within them, which under certain circumstances would materialize. Unless you've properly integrated the inner shadow, then it's safe to consider yourself a loaded weapon. If you don't integrate that side of yourself, then you will (if aren't already) absolutely (during your lifetime) harm someone (either physically or mentally).

Crimes against humanity were committed by people, guess what you, I and the other 8 billion are.


YrPrblmsArntMyPrblms t1_iy0zzwp wrote

The fuck up here is

"TIFU by not being productive (I'm jobless) as my bf came home from his 2 jobs so he can pay rent for us and put bread on the table."

If you think anything less of it, you need the same help as her.

Edit: To people who delete their comments: Truth is indeed a terrible thing, but not compared to falsehood. We must be better.


YrPrblmsArntMyPrblms t1_iy0z2tv wrote

Imagine the scenario being the opposite, you come home, frustrated, tired from your 2 shifts to find him on his ass putting no visible effort into resumes/job applications/cleaning stuff. Then he asks you how was the work, as if it's not yet self evident, so now the seemingly harmless question becomes a mocking question. You explode and get violent.

Sadly I don't think you can imagine it. Not until you work two jobs.