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nednobbins t1_jd3hohf wrote

Haha. That thing will outlast you.

They have a world record for driving a bunch of trucks over it.

~~People have shot them and they keep going. ~~

And tried to explode them.

Edit: The bullet one is a hoax. Dumb on me for not double checking. There are still plenty of legit videos of people subjecting the watch to damage that would maim or kill anyone wearing it. I think it's still safe to say the watch will outlast you :)


drzowie t1_jd40dev wrote

I found one (freewheeling, not radio/atomic) in a dry rocky wash halfway up a mountain in the Desolation Wilderness, CA, a couple of decades ago. It was half-buried -- it had obviously been dropped at least a year earlier, and washed down the cwm in spring thaws. You could barely read the face. We took it back to the tent, and the next morning its tinny alarm went off at 6:30am.


WgXcQ t1_jd55y7t wrote

> the next morning its tinny alarm went off at 6:30am

Wow, some troll really played the long game there :D


IndigenousOres t1_jd5jc9o wrote

I lost a G-Shock from hiking a couple of years ago, but in a completely different area. FeelsBadMan Spent at least an hour pacing back the trail hoping to find it again. I tried again next morning hoping to hear its 7am Alarm


LifeofSMILEY OP t1_jd3k2zz wrote

That's hilarious. Here I am just mesmerized by the solar charging.


ThisTimeIChoose t1_jd3wzfm wrote

I have one with solar charging and radio time setting, so I never have to do anything to it. I love the thing. Hope yours lasts many years.

Edit: just realised yours is radio set too! Enjoy.


glassteelhammer t1_jd3no7v wrote

Just cuz you never know... You know that bulletproof test is fake, right?

The explosion one I believe is legit.


Chaosr21 t1_jd45wuf wrote

Lol in the rifle video I'm pretty sure he just threw a bullet at the watch. It wasn't straight and still had the casing on it