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Yosyp t1_jaqlzt4 wrote

Oh well, we should have all kept using vacuum tubes then.

edit: people downvoting me don't want any type of progress and have no idea how chips work... the greatly democratic Reddit


zombienudist t1_jaryyvb wrote

That is r/BuyItForLife for you. I used to work in appliance sales and service for much of the 1990s. But make the mistake of saying anything negative against a speed queen or a top loader and people lose their minds. They don't care there is nuance here. That their needs might be different then another. And that your needs might be different than theirs. I would never own a top loader for many reasons but say that and you get downvoted. Doesn't matter that I have fixed just about every type/make of major appliance and sold them. People like to believe they have found some secret and can't take any negative things about that.


Yosyp t1_jarzrrq wrote

I don't even know top loaders are a thing in Italy, never seen one used in EU context.

Some people are just incredibly ignorant and can't accept facts. Planned obsolescence is a thing, natural progress is another. You can't have progress if you can't abandon old stuff, and people with a grasp of consumer electronics all agree that we couldn't have had all the utilities and luxuries we have today with the technology of twenty years ago. Imagine thinking an 80' laptop would suffice for today... you couldn't even write emails on them.


zombienudist t1_jas4qge wrote

People tend to see things in strange ways. They see a washing machine that is 30 years old and say "well it must be good if it last that long" But I know use is far more important than time. If the thing looks brand new maybe it wasn't used that much. Use of something is very important. Based on what I see here I think many of these people just sit this stuff on a shelf to look at it. Meanwhile I now work in IT but I must be the one that doesn't understand technology.