
nasanu t1_jaqxfvh wrote

You don't even seem to know what you are commenting about. How is a keyboard going to be too slow? Is a metal frame going to be incompatible with future CPUs?

Also for a lot of applications not much power is even needed, so even if it wasn't a good ideal to be able to use parts of a laptop forever you can still get a long life out of an old laptop. That is basically what the entire Chromebook segment is. And things like USB are going nowhere but even if it does, the basic computer busses almost never change, you can still use PS2/serial keyboards on PC because when you get down to it everything converts to basic PCI busses.

As per electronics in general, I have 15 year old speakers, they are excellent and I see no reason to get rid of them. Why do I have to just because you say electronics aren't bifl? I have an audio interface that is years old and I cant see that being obsolescent since its xlr plug has been around for 100 years.

Seriously this entire sub exists because electronics were buy it for life, lightbulbs lasted basically forever and this cost companies money, so they made them die. That is why this sub needs to exist. Now you are giving the very reason for the existence of this sub a pass...? Why?


nasanu t1_jaqktfx wrote

Yeah if I were buying a laptop a framework is what I would get.

EDIT: Wow the people here really don't get the concept. It isn't about saving money somehow, its about not wasting resources. If you like throwing out complex electronics, toxic metals and lots of plastic every few years because one component is out of date then you do you. Personally I welcome a laptop where I can piecemeal replace bits that need replacing when I need them replaced.


nasanu t1_j9kci73 wrote

Are you in America? Because she says "Based on the comments I am getting, it looks like the US is in the dark ages when it comes to induction and the rest of the world has mostly figured it out.".

Honestly I can put my pans anywhere and the heat spreads. Like the lodge, the handle gets freaking hot, the Mauviel gets super hot all the way up the sides. But its physics, any metal is going to spread heat if you leave it long enough. But if you are trying to cook instantly then solid copper is basically what you need.


nasanu t1_j9hm9vw wrote

Metal tongs for me are not bifl. They always fail eventually. The rivet on that kitchenaid for example is a weak point.

I long ago switched to a type of plastic tongs, never going back as they seem near indestructible. I even leave them on my pan and zero issues with melting. Far easier to clean also.

A cheap set like this is basically bomb proof:


nasanu t1_j3g257v wrote

Yeah sorry OP but they are trash. The material is what lets pretty much all gaming chairs down. I don't believe those who say they are uncomfortable or will hurt you, that is total bs and I am someone with a gaming chair and a Herman Miller Embody. But the the arms will develop cracks and break apart and the fabric will peel and flake away.

For the money they are NOT worth it. Especially when you realise you can get identical chairs for like $150 on Amazon or AliExpress. You think well its this brand, pricy but respected, they will use better longer lasting materials... They don't.


nasanu t1_ixt24cw wrote

I can vouch for this:

I have used it for about a year now, still seems new. However I am careful, don't scratch it, don't go nuts on full heat. But so far it's an awesome pan. Really solid build quality also. I mainly only use it for eggs or other things that are a pain with sticking. Anything else I use my steel pan or a cast iron lodge.


nasanu t1_ixkie1o wrote

I learnt my lesson. Bought a highly rated pan with some black coating that was meant to be amazing. It all came off in my food the first time I cooked with it.

Since then I bought an awesome Mauviel Made In France pan of just various types of steel and a cheap lodge. Both will outlast me. No more coatings, basic engineering ftw


nasanu t1_ix3grg2 wrote

Anything but UGG. Never support a company that comes into a contrary, creates knockoffs of their national product then trademarks that product so the locals can't make it anymore.


nasanu t1_iw6q38w wrote

Reply to comment by Junior_Ad2955 in Salt and Pepper Shaker by trilesnik

How so? Mine is about 1 year old, I love it. Works beautifully. Id recommend Peugeot mills.


It's also not a good look for a company to deny access to information on their products:

>You have been denied access to the Fletchers' Mill Online Store on the basis of your IP Address