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wolframbeta6 t1_jart7p3 wrote

I had been using my lock from grade 10 (11 years ago) up until last month and then I somehow misplaced it at the gym/somewhere....I was crushed!!!

The password was exactly - North - West - South



Imaneetboy t1_jarympl wrote

God I hated those combination locks in school. I don't mean that exact model, just that type in general. If I was stressed out I would forget if it was "right, left, right" or "left,right, left". Then sometimes I'd just forget the whole combination.


likelyrobot t1_jas003z wrote

I wish I had kept mine. I'll always remember you, 36-6-21. 💜


phantomheart t1_jasbzgt wrote

I have mine from gr. 7 still….so about 30 years. I’ll never forget that code. Heck, even if I do I know where the dial goes by muscle memory. It’s so smooth running too. I had other locks during highschool, but none compared to that particular one!


nuke621 t1_jasg0zz wrote

I worked at the high school I attended for a few years after. The lockers needed to be painted, but when they removed the built in locks, it reset them to one of three possible combinations....3 days before school started. So my coworker handled the records and I opened 1000 lockers working late into the night those 3 nights. By the end of it I could open any locker no matter the code just by feel. One of my favorite employment memories. Everyone was so happy we pulled it off.


throwawaycanadian2 t1_jashe0s wrote

Is it two turns, then one, then two? Is the last one not a full turn first? I always forgot and it always took so many tries to get it right.


quietflyr t1_jasmktn wrote

I've still got two from grade 7, 32 years ago. Still remember the combinations.


BitMadIsntIt t1_jasnha8 wrote

Am I the only one who sometimes has nightmares where I’m back in school and can’t remember the combo? Or I can remember it but spinning left and right doesn’t get me anywhere?


PermutationMatrix t1_jasstz6 wrote

I had a combination master lock in prison. With people trying to break into it and constant use several times a day, exposure to humidity, it began to act poorly and stick. Trick to fix was to crush up graphite from a pencil and shake it inside the mechanism.


the_holocene_is_over t1_jat1s3d wrote

I have mine from 2004, 9th grade. I still use it at the gym!

It’s easy to spot because I colored in the white lines with hot pink sparkly gel pen. Ugh.


edcculus t1_jat56ff wrote

I never used my locker in high school.


GeezusKreist t1_jat5fl5 wrote

I have my original Master lock from my first locker, circa 1994. Still works like new


Itisd t1_jat5o0u wrote

At least it's a real Made in Canada Dudley lock that actually works... Not the current made in China version which is absolutely terrible.

With that said, these are actually pretty easy to figure out the combination on.


Lylibean t1_jat7qpq wrote

That’s cool! We weren’t allowed to purchase our own locks for school, had to use the ones they issued.


O_UName t1_jatjdcb wrote

Well.. the dream starts out remembering that I was actually supposed to be going to math class all year, but I had forgotten. Now the school year is almost over and I need to get to that class... Oh man I don't remember where it is. I need to somehow figure that out. Ok figured that out, oh man I need the book for the class... It's in my locker... Where is my locker.... Oh here it is.... Oh crap, what is my combo.... Figure that out, get the book and run to class..... WTF WHERE ARE MY PANTS!


KofOaks t1_jatn8p0 wrote

I have one from like 1991, still works just fine.

20 - 56 - 17


GingerBeast81 t1_jatrck4 wrote

I still have mine from high-school, I graduated in '99. I used it at trade school and then on a locker at work for over 10 years. It's one of the oldest things I own lol.


OoOoReillys t1_jaty5d5 wrote

I entered high school in 2004. I don’t remember a damn combination!


Anon_819 t1_jau3mj5 wrote

My mother has hers from the 70s. It still gets used as a gym lock. I also have mine from somewhere around 1999.


Profit_Of_Rage t1_jau41yb wrote

Canadian made Dudley locks are the best! Used the same lock without issue from grade 7 until year 4 of uni when it was cut off my gym locker :(

Unfortunately they are no longer made in Canada, and the new ones (made in China) are no where near as smooth.

Guard that lock with your life OP.


Niktzv t1_jau6ydu wrote

There are more ways to break one of those in under a minute than there are unique combinations.

Also fun fact; those combos work in intervals of 5, so if the box said 42, 52, 27. 40, 50, 25 would work just as well.


t3m3r1t4 t1_javl7yp wrote

Most Dudley locks rounded to the nearest 5 if the code didn't end with a 3 or 7. WAY EASIER TO REMEMBER. Hated getting a Master Lock.


Careless_Wishbone_69 t1_jaw5brd wrote

I love these, because you can open them with muscle memory, as the numbers don't move. Master locks have the entire face that turns.