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thavi t1_jcnbt4q wrote

Yeah? You, uh, still playin with these?


marktherobot-youtube OP t1_jcnmj16 wrote

Yeah I still play with toys, normally rc toys but I enjoy playing with regular big trucks too.

I'm 17.


Citrus075 t1_jcnn9hn wrote

I don't get why this is seen as weird by some people. I'm 17 and I collect Hotwheels. I get weird looks from people when I'm looking at them in stores.


marktherobot-youtube OP t1_jcno13l wrote

Yeah it's strange, you'd think people would be able to understand something as simple as "toys are for fun, not kids"

Because that's really what toys are, a source of enjoyment, passion, and even artist expression depending on what you do with them, they aren't for kids, they are for whoever wants to play with them.


Finetales t1_jcns3s1 wrote

I'm 29 and I also collect Hot Wheels. I have well over 1500 at this point lmao


Citrus075 t1_jcnsdqr wrote

Holy shit lol, I've got like 75 and I thought that was a lot. I mostly collect American muscle cars and a few JDM or other cars that I like. What do you like to collect mostly?


Finetales t1_jco40kr wrote

Well, I've been amassing them since I was a kid. I don't even try to collect a lot or get all of a specific thing, I just go to the store and buy the ones I like once in a while. There are people in way deeper than me who prowl eBay for specific cars they want and spend $20+ on one $2 car. The whole point of collecting Hot Wheels in my view is that it's the ultimate casual, cheap hobby.

I definitely have a lot of sports cars and exotics, but honestly my favorites to find are the ones that are just normal cars you'd see on the street. Right now the only one I actually have out on my desk and not sitting in a box is a fancy Matchbox garbage truck lol.

Also, I take them all out of the packaging. I buy them because I like to look at them, not as an investment. Eventually I want to do a big stop motion video with all of them, but most of the collection stays on the other side of the country from where I live lol.


ApostropheusDeletus t1_jcocgfr wrote

Wait a few years and you realise nobody is looking at you and that you're just imagining those looks.

Nobody gives a fuck about what a stranger is browsing for at a store and won't give you a second thought the moment they leave the aisle.

They might care if you're trying to mouth fuck the toys or talking to them in low, hushed tones I guess. You uh... You don't do any of that, do you?


eclipse1498 t1_jcp91b2 wrote

I am older than that and never get weird looks browsing for hot wheels. I think most people know that some people collect them, it’s not that unusual. Even if they don’t, they’d probably just assume you’re getting a gift for someone.

Keep collecting!


Domukin t1_jco1zv2 wrote

Good for you. I went through a phase during my late teens and 20s where I stopped playing. Life gets in the way, school and work take over and you have less time. Your attention will go elsewhere, and that’s normal. But, when that happens, make sure you keep some of your favorites around - don’t give away or sell all your toys. You’ll eventually want them back and maybe share them with your own kids / nephews / nieces, etc. I regret getting rid of some of my childhood toys but have been able to buy back some favorites.


jXian t1_jcofh8q wrote

Bro I’m 31 and still play with toys. Fuck growing up. I’ll take my lightsabers and gameboys any day.


Datsitkinz t1_jcp3ldo wrote

I still wear a diaper and I'm 45, I just enjoy it.


tramplamps t1_jcpew8f wrote

I married a man that has some beautiful Star Wars stuff. In fact, that’s how we met. I was having an art opening of my Star Wars paintings, and he showed up in his stormtrooper kit. Never grow up.


insideoutfit t1_jcne1nr wrote

Of course he is. Redditors are so weird, man.


[deleted] t1_jcnky2w wrote

Right? How else are they supposed to deliver their hand drawn memes? By hand?