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TheLadyEowyn t1_jczjk4u wrote

In case it's helpful to you or others with similar concern: do not use fabric softener a on your towels (liquid, dryer sheets, tears of your vanquished enemies, etc.) They add a waxy layer to your towels that make them less absorbent


syncboy t1_jczmtux wrote

Agreed. Never use fabric softener on anything you want to be absorbent.


oregonspruce t1_jd47z1c wrote

Hey thanks! 44 years old and I'm just learning how to was towels lol


Dollar_Stagg t1_jd1dmsd wrote

Also, some manufacturers will put softeners on the towels before they ship them, so that should be considered when comparing towels at the store by feel, and if they perform poorly at first you might be able to improve them by washing to remove those softeners.