
adrianmakedonski t1_j4xa52i wrote

It can sound however it sounds, it's true. You literally don't know what you're talking about and therefore, this conversation is over. When you're ready to open your mind to actual trans experiences from actual trans people (not the hypothetical trans people that fill your scenarios), I'll be here ready to talk.


adrianmakedonski t1_j4x75z0 wrote

Please please please proofread your comments. They're unintelligible sometimes.

Are you saying that most trans people detransition? Or that most trans people with conservative families detransition? I literally can't understand you.

Fine, my numbers were off.


adrianmakedonski t1_j4wt6rx wrote

I looked for them for years because I wanted to understand their side. Most of the time, they detransition because of their societal setting. They live in a very conservative area and don't pass as the gender they want to be perceived as, so they get hate every day. They can either leave or detransition and oftentimes, leaving is harder. I feel so bad for those people.

Have you looked up the percentage of detransitioning people? Last I checked it was like less than 1-3% and again, a majority are because of the people around them being shitty.


adrianmakedonski t1_j4wr2qj wrote

Yeah. Kids don't become trans because they are made aware of the possibility. I knew I didn't want to be a boy from like age 6. Nobody indoctrinated me, in fact it was quite the opposite from my parents. (You know, parents, the people you're suggesting should teach their kids about this kind of stuff)