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t1_jd3crkv wrote

You should buy 2 pairs so you do not wear them every day

Wearing same shoes every day is bad for you and them


OP t1_jd3g39y wrote

Eh, I can’t afford to spend another $650 on a pair of boots. I have a good boot care routine. Brush clean and wipe down with damp rag once a week, once a month I wash them with dawn dish soap and cold water and then apply boot oil. Most comfortable pair of shoes I’ve ever owned after the initial break in. Totally eliminated my lower back pain and tremendously helped my posture. The rest of my body may hurt after a long work day, but my feet sure as hell don’t. Before I had these, I was going through a $250 pair of thorogoods every 6 months. When these finally blow out, I can send them off to the manufacturer to have them rebuilt and resoled for that same $250.


t1_jd3inaf wrote

Not being sarcastic, but does that “day off” for the shoe offer some type of recovery for it?


t1_jd3o4rp wrote

Moisture can evaporate.


OP t1_jd5vboo wrote

If it makes it any better, I do throw them on a boot dryer every night.


t1_jd60f6b wrote

Is it one you’d recommend? The boot dryer that is.

I’m curious too, why the dish soap vs a leather soap?


OP t1_jd650n0 wrote

I use the Peet Dryer original for my boot dryer, picked it up from tractor supply. Very very happy with it thus far. As far as why I use dish soap: it’s what Whites recommends. I’ll wash with a little dish soap and warm water, allow to dry for a full 24 hours, and then apply Obenauf’s Boot Oil. There’s tons of different methods and products for boot care, but I figured if anyone would know how to care for Whites boots, it’s whites. For the record, 2 years of my time wearing these boots to work was in a limestone mine doing field welding and heavy repair. They hold up.


t1_jd9c1y5 wrote

I leave mine on the radiator for a couple of days every few weeks or so. I know some people say you shouldn't do that but I have been doing it for years and never had any problems. Just helps to keep mold away from inside the boot in my experience and the boots feel nicer inside and out.


t1_jd3f9d5 wrote


Wait, no... my dad refuses to use the internet. But I swear he has the exact same boots, custom made from White's, and Stanley thermos, custom modified by years of use. Even stranger, his front door and entrance look nearly identical... I'm a little freaked out at the moment.


OP t1_jd3ghx6 wrote

Sounds like a man with a taste for the finer things in life.

My whites were also custom orders, and you can’t beat a thermos that looks like it’s lived a long and interesting life. I also am a dad, but unless my 2 year old daughter or 6 month old son learned how to use Reddit (god forbid), I don’t think I’m yours.


t1_jd3hx1s wrote

Hehe, if you're anything like mine then you're freaking awesome. But then again, you'd also be over 80... so there's that.

FYI, and a story you might find interesting: when my dad asked each of us what we want from him in his will, my wife said she wants his boots (to clarify, she's Asian, and we take our shoes off at the door. Having his boots at our door means he would then forever be in our home with us). My wonderful wife loves my dad as much as I do.

On a happier note; I'm curious to know if White's still makes a mold of your feet to build custom boots, or if they've moved to a more modern method?


t1_jd530cx wrote

More modern methods now, you can still do a 1 off fit but they just go off of measurements. They'll also do a fit consultation based off your other boots or send you a try on pair.


t1_jd81cwq wrote

I also thought this was my dad at first. He didn't get a smartphone until like 2016, though. I doubt he knows what Reddit is/how to use it.


t1_jd3p0x6 wrote

My Dad gave me his old thermos like that one in '85 and everything, but the handle, will last forever. Unless you're me and you backed a dump truck over it a few years ago. Keep it safe.


t1_jd4fkyh wrote

I'm jealous I want a pair of white boots so bad.


t1_jd5kuru wrote

That's impressive. I don't know why, but I want them...


t1_jd5ux1j wrote

My husband is still using his Stanley 38 years later. It looks just a bit better than yours.


t1_jd5yn4g wrote

I’m the same vintage as the thermos and going strong.

I’m an adoptee, a real buy for life deal.


t1_jd62pr6 wrote

Inherited stanley thermoses, hunting/fishing equipment, and cast iron pans. Now they are all my favorite items.


t1_jd6imj7 wrote

I really like my Whites. I found them on clearance for $110 one time and even though I had other boots I liked, I bought them on my dads reccomendation. My dad wore 2 pairs of Whites the entire time he was a millwright electrician (his feet grew so he had to get a new pair). Each has been resoled at least 3 times.


t1_jd6sdjs wrote

Hmm I love those boots. Where would I find a pair?


t1_jd8ccuh wrote

Woah, that's quite the price tag.


OP t1_jd8ciu1 wrote

Frankly, they’re worth every penny. I was originally spending about $500 on work boots a year at 2x $250 pairs a year. They’ve already paid for themselves.


t1_jdg66w7 wrote

Have the same pair. Can confirm, worth every penny. My back cannot thank me enough.


OP t1_jdg6frr wrote

Likewise. My lower back paid went away almost immediately and my posture improved dramatically. The biggest issue I have now is that when I try on any other boots (I.e. ones my work buys for me), they all feel poor fitting and cheap :(


t1_jdg6zgh wrote

Yeah same here. I’m going to save for another 4811 last. Every time I think about pulling the trigger, I’m like “another pair of Longliners makes better sense considering that’s what makes my money”. But would love a pair of the farmer/ranchers for after hours


OP t1_jdg7tuj wrote

I think my next pair is going to be a pair of lace-to-toe smokejumpers. I have to have a safety toe for work, but I don’t need one when I’m at home working/hunting on our property. Plus, I love the look of the roughout brown leather.


t1_jdg6f3o wrote

Solid daily drivers, man. I’ve got the same boots and use my Grandpa’s thermos from ‘79