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ambient_whooshing t1_jcg9o8u wrote

So we are celebrating that industrial diesel engines can run for 30 years 16hrs/day? That's the expectation and anything else would be a disappointment.


RetreadRoadRocket t1_jcgb102 wrote

>That's the expectation and anything else would be a disappointment.

Maybe to somebody who doesn't know jack shit about the trucking industry.

16 hours a day for 30 years at an average speed of 55mph is over 9.6 million miles, the engine would have to be overhauled multiple times to do that.


ambient_whooshing t1_jcgg2z1 wrote

So what's been replaced in 9milliom miles?


RetreadRoadRocket t1_jch4d0g wrote

Pretty much everything in the driveline that is a friction surface and/or isn't a heavy casting or made from steel would not last for that many miles, most of it would require replacement multiple times. Things like Bearings, seals, rings, cylinder sleeves and water, oil, injector, and fuel pumps, etc.... none of that stuff will last that long.


ambient_whooshing t1_jchcwqh wrote

Exactly. Not at all BIFL. Has OP's rig run that long? Okay, sure. Is it a truck of Theseus? Yes. People can downvote the above responses but that's the point. The block was even likely retooled to some degree.


RetreadRoadRocket t1_jche9gg wrote

It's still BIFL because normal maintenance doesn't count and it is not a ship of Theseus because it will still have a multitude of its original components.


ambient_whooshing t1_jchj0cg wrote

I disagree but whatever


RetreadRoadRocket t1_jchuy72 wrote

Disagree? With what? That you have to clean, maintain, and sometimes repair items to make them last? It's no different than cleaning and waterproofing your boots or patching a pair of jeans.


Fryceratops t1_jcgbv83 wrote

This sub is filled with non-mechanical things that we would expect to last years. Ffs someone put up their weed grinder


ambient_whooshing t1_jcgg6q9 wrote

Weed grinders fail faster than most anything. Ffs


Fryceratops t1_jcgxf8k wrote

I cannot count the amount of stainless steel grinders I have seen destroyed /s


Kall_Me_Kapkan t1_jclltqe wrote

I e had this one called "kannistor" for 10 years at least, daily use


ambient_whooshing t1_jcgy0w9 wrote

I cannot count on one hand how many times I can use a grinder without needing to clean it with iso.
