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Fryceratops t1_jcgbv83 wrote

This sub is filled with non-mechanical things that we would expect to last years. Ffs someone put up their weed grinder


ambient_whooshing t1_jcgg6q9 wrote

Weed grinders fail faster than most anything. Ffs


Fryceratops t1_jcgxf8k wrote

I cannot count the amount of stainless steel grinders I have seen destroyed /s


Kall_Me_Kapkan t1_jclltqe wrote

I e had this one called "kannistor" for 10 years at least, daily use


ambient_whooshing t1_jcgy0w9 wrote

I cannot count on one hand how many times I can use a grinder without needing to clean it with iso.
