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Southern_Spaces t1_is2vka2 wrote

I have lecruset, lodge, and Amazon basics Dutch ovens ranging from 2qt-12qt I’ve picked up/had passed down over the last few decades. I’m doubtful any of them won’t last my lifetime and the next with proper care.


SweetAlyssumm t1_is33ycx wrote

I have a LeCreuset dutch oven in the old flame color that the handle fell off. (It's 30 yrs old.) I made some efforts to replace it but got frustrated. I stored it in the garage, then one day I needed a nice flower pot for my front porch. Hauled out the old thing, put a lavender and some orange/yellow lantana in it, and it looks spectacular! I know this is not what you should do with an expensive pot but I honestly enjoy seeing it so much.


deadbeatPilgrim t1_is37pp8 wrote

it’s your pot, and you can do what you want with it, but that is low key slightly upsetting lmao


shortredbus t1_is6pg6f wrote


SweetAlyssumm t1_is6tgmj wrote

Yes, good point, but in practice it was hard to make this happen and I just gave up. They would not just send me the needed part in the mail and I had to drive around, etc.


AbbyShapirosAreola t1_is6q8e6 wrote

Dude what? The handle is held on with a single run of the mill Philips head screw. How hard can it be?

If the threads are messed up you can order a new handle easy.


SweetAlyssumm t1_is6tmpr wrote

Threads are messed up and I was not able to easily get that handle as I said. Anyway, I love my flowerpot and it was a blessing in disguise.


Fruitndveg t1_is496hu wrote

This is key. Even a Le Creuset won’t hold up well if the owner uses it like a dick. You stick to silicone or wooden cooking utensils when using even cheap cast iron and you’re gonna be okay. I’ve got two years on a no name cast iron Dutch oven and it’s still going strong.