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Converseinverse t1_itjj49l wrote

Reply to comment by dezualy in 1956 Frigidaire Range by dezualy

Are those disposable pie tins? If so, that's a great idea.


dezualy OP t1_itjjilp wrote

Sort of, they sell drip tray liners in small and large sizes. Basically a pie tin with a cutout in the middle and a notch in the side where the element plugs in


jquest23 t1_itjnprn wrote

You can find ceramic coated drip pans for the burners. Really completes the look and makes it easier to clean.


dezualy OP t1_itjopq5 wrote

It does have these! I find them harder to clean though and there is some caked on dirt on them currently that would require some over cleaner to get off. Currently those aluminum trays sit above the stock black ones. I agree they give a cleaner look though!