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surelythisisfree t1_itz2409 wrote

My parents in law bought a Peugeot pepper grinder the same as ours after we got one as a wedding gift. They destroyed it in 2 years because they couldn’t comprehend that a burr grinder is designed to operate one way. So instead of rotating it clockwise, they’d rotate it back and forth angrily and then start hitting it at the table when nothing came out.


Amazon-Prime-package t1_itzcw5n wrote

I don't know how to say this tactfully but this one description makes them sound like actual children


GullibleDetective t1_iu0luwz wrote

Like Bam bam from flintstones


rjojo t1_iu0npg1 wrote

Or Zoolander computer scene.


GullibleDetective t1_iu0o5jt wrote

And office space printer scene


Kimlitz t1_iu34teo wrote

No, printers are the fucking devil. My work printer is garbage and makes my life harder than it needs to be. Anyone who has worked with a shit printer can empathize with that scene.


Fred_Is_Dead_Again t1_itzjnf8 wrote

Only North of the equator. South goes CCW, due to Coriolis Effect.


fuzzydoug t1_itzxiyp wrote

You come to me with this effect, on this the day of my only daughters wedding.


cakebreaker2 t1_iu01llb wrote

Lol. Can you believe that my wife has watched that movie?


nope_nic_tesla t1_iu0dpti wrote

I personally find it hard to believe that your wife has watched one of the most famous movies of all time.


cakebreaker2 t1_iu0j19r wrote

Dammit. I read your response and it made no sense. Then I read what I posted. She has NOT watched it.


JoMamma_80 t1_iu0skm2 wrote

I have not, either. My husband is quite disappointed in me as well.


RiotsMade t1_iu1nst0 wrote

I’ve attempted to watch it three times, and turned it off all three


procrastimom t1_iu1jrf4 wrote

I’ve probably seen the whole movie in my life time, just in bits and chunks.


Renvors t1_iu0vdfe wrote

This is a fucking quality joke. Everyone else get out


zimzimmawho t1_iu04a31 wrote

Better as Tobias to check which way the toilet water is flowing


JohnnyMcEuter t1_itz9cfe wrote

I am feeling very stupid for operating our Peugeot salt and pepper grinders (also a wedding gift 4 years ago) exactly the same way your parents are doing, minus the slamming on the table, thankfully. Does the reverse motion damage the burrs or is it just not effective? It just find the back-and-forth rotation more comfortable than a constant one-directional rotation with regripping the grinder.

To comment on the "buy it for life part" of the grinders: One of the screws on the underside holding the little clamp came loose recently and we found it again in the rissoto we were preparing. Was an easy fix, though.


Bridgemaster11 t1_itzx7t8 wrote

>Does the reverse motion damage the burrs?

No but it can cause the screws holding the little clamp to come loose apparently


Jonluw t1_iu13ng4 wrote

I once broke a grinder in a matter of weeks/months by going back and forth.


Hisnibbs t1_iu1wj44 wrote

Grindr once broke me in a matter of weeks/months by going back and forth.


ryusoma t1_iu2ncvx wrote

Pretty sure that happened in a couple of specific minutes actually..


kermityfrog t1_iu1eig1 wrote

I think it just gets loose if you turn it the wrong way. Google search turns up no credible results that are not old wives tales. What happens to left handed people? If it can only be rotated one way you’d think the makers would either put a label on it or a spring so that you can only turn it one way.


Hinote21 t1_iu1rxtt wrote

If you ever look at the shape of burrs, they're designed to grind one direction. It shouldn't be necessary to put a sticker on it saying so. Not saying it's going to break but there is a clear difference between turning one way vs the other.


kermityfrog t1_iu1sxb6 wrote

Some pepper grinders feature clockwise for fine grind and counter for coarse grind.


cheesepage t1_iu29j42 wrote

Standard grind is one way. It doesn't hurt the standard grinder much to reverse, maybe just a little more wear. I used a Peugeot pepper grinder possibly ever thirty seconds for decades in restaurants. No fails.

The pewter one I have at home has seems to have not aged a bit in 17 years.


InternationalGain3 t1_iu1tjeo wrote

The back and forth rotation can cause loose screws in risottos.


ryusoma t1_iu2nj0k wrote

From the sounds of it, it also causes loose-screws in in-laws too.


agentvulva t1_iu3qayp wrote

they are bad grinders, they do not achieve any kind of good grinding result. it is another french company like le creuset that got bought out and are just selling based on early company performance


jpobble t1_itz45xk wrote

Don’t all grinders go one way? WTF did they have before?


Mars-For-The-Rich t1_iu07axt wrote

I’m pretty sure my pepper grinder works clockwise or ccw. I always just twist it back and forth and it’s never had an issue. It’s not a nice one either it was like $8.


kalpol t1_iu0xwj2 wrote

yeah all my crappy ones work both ways.


no_one_likes_u t1_iu0a23n wrote

My ex dropped my Peugeot pepper mill in the kitchen and the wood shattered. :-/


KraZe_EyE t1_iu0hxkx wrote

If you know a wood worker they could make you a new body and reuse the internals.


rosinall t1_iu0kcdp wrote


Edit: Took advice below


KraZe_EyE t1_iu1agdq wrote

I think that applies to most things though lol

PS remove the period so your comment becomes a link


superior9 t1_iu0mw45 wrote

I have a long Peugeot pepper grinder that I’ve turned both directions for years. I just checked their FAQ and indeed the proper direction is clockwise otherwise the ground bits go up into the grinder. But it does not say that it damages the thing. Very intrigued that so many people agreed with your comment.


surelythisisfree t1_iu1fvy8 wrote

It generally won’t damage it. It just doesn’t work. The damage they did was hitting it down thinking that was how to get the peppercorns into the burrs.


superior9 t1_iu40djz wrote

Imagine getting this worked up over a fucking pepper grinder


minze t1_iu1wviy wrote

Wait, you aren’t supposed to grind by twisting left-right-left until you get the amount you want? TIL

That probably explains why our mills only last a couple years.