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t1_iv829ew wrote


not for the first time am I like "oohhh a boot made for me, a goth girl," only to find out that apparently I'm looking at some sort of working man's boot.


t1_iv8a5yc wrote

Yeeeah, I am concerned that it might not be available in my size. Many work shoes are not available in my size.


t1_iv8u9ui wrote

One of the great things about Danner (besides being BIFL) is that they understand that women do, in fact, wear boots. The Acadia is available in a narrower width down to a ladies size 5.

I work with some ladies who have very small feet, and these are their go-to boot because of the sizing.


t1_iwmbglz wrote

Most built tough to last a lifetime boots will tend to be blue collar work boots, cause these are the people that need reliable footwear the most.


t1_iwmxm2h wrote

That's entirely sensible! I am aware. But that very logical thought process only works if as a starting point if you know what sub you're in. I just saw the thumbnail and clicked, driven not by practicality or value proposition but by "oooh, pretty boots!"


t1_iwovmv0 wrote

Ah, gotcha

Same thing happens to me when I'm browsing my front page sometimes