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t1_ix0hy6x wrote

I’m an American and drink espresso at home, with steamed milk or cream/half & half. I usually use my Nespresso as my $$ Breville is too much hassle to use / clean. The Breville grinds beans even but I have failed to get the hang of it so haven’t used in a couple years.

Espresso take a different machine and have to buy actual espresso coffee for it (capsules for the Nespresso, otherwise beans or ground) which is NOT the same as buying regular normal coffee (beans or ground) so I thought your statement made total sense 🤷🏻‍♀️


t1_ixws130 wrote

I know this is a week old but likely you aren't using good beans.

Check out red bird espresso, it's freshly roasted and is damn good in the breville. The breville is tricky as it's harder to dial in like other espresso machines. My next one will be a manual press.