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Yakapo88 t1_iyr0sc8 wrote

I have never owned a truck in my life. I’m an immigrant.

Why do you like to tell people what they should like? Believe it or not, you make decisions every day based on what you like. It doesn’t matter what sort of lunch your coworkers like, you should enjoy the food you like.

Why do Europeans try to tell everyone else what they should buy with their money?


hallucinating_3 t1_iyr6h51 wrote

I just point a different point of view. If it was for me and my decision and opinions I would said to them to use public transport but I get it that some people live in places where there's no public transport and they have no other choice that owning a car.

Besides that, I don't think is too crazy to let people think if they need a big or a small car. I just pointed out that a lot of countries most of the people live with small cars cause these big cars are made for people who go to the mountains and difficult places where a small car is impossible to get it. But most of the people just use their car in their day to day live: going to work, to make the groceries, etc. So to move better though these places and park easily on them you would prefer a small car. Even in these places, some parkings have small places for small cars and there's a very few places for big cars. Also this cars are more expensive and need more gasoline so you will spend more in them. So I don't see any point in favour to buy one of these.

I said that about Americans cause I heard they're the only ones that a lot of people own trucks (compared to other countries). So I found it funny how millions of people live with small cars perfectly and they feel the need to own a bigger car that they need. And maybe make people reflect about this situation cause sometimes you just need a different point of view to realise that. Your society is so focus on that opinion that you need to see outside of your country opinions to contrast it and then realise which opinion do you think is better. For example, other unpopular opinion in usa but big outside is having gun control policy.


Yakapo88 t1_iyr7xja wrote

I’m glad I don’t live in a communist nation where they tell you what to buy.


hallucinating_3 t1_iyr8kx8 wrote

Literally that's the definition of capitalism and the capitalist country by excellence is USA. Also communism doesn't exist in today's society. But okey, go on telling people they're communist only cause they think different than you


Yakapo88 t1_iyrbx40 wrote

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

If that means people buy trucks, then so be it.

Netherlands has announced they will SEIZE 3000 farms in order to meet the 2030 climate goals.

Farmers will be FORCED to sell the land that they have owned for generations to the state.

This is Climate Communism.


hallucinating_3 t1_iyrcpw6 wrote

You have all the freedom in the world to do what you want but you have to think what you need. Maybe you want a Ferrari but why would you buy one if you can't go at full speed cause there's speed ​​limits? That takes away all the fun of owning that kind of car and makes no sense to own it. You must think twice all this thinks before you make a decision so it's the best decision you can make


Faeglantina t1_iz38rhm wrote

Clean air and a climate compatible with human life are public resources. This is an acceptable role of government to protect.