Gernahaun t1_j1zll2e wrote
OPs 35 year old hamster lives in it too!
Chowbasa t1_j1znj34 wrote
The parents had good chemis-tree
T8rthot t1_j1zpadp wrote
We have a second hand Christmas tree that’s over 30 years old and I realized this year that thing is looking RAGGED. I think it’s the past 15 years of our cats climbing in it and making it shed faster than the years it spent with myhusband’s family.
Sharpfeaturedman t1_j1zrt87 wrote
"Kaaaa-ren! I got the most expensive tree they had!!"
chrispyshreddedchick t1_j1zujv0 wrote
Maybe get one that fits next time.
pauldeanbumgarner t1_j201fdj wrote
The tree looks great. Amazing what happens when you take care of things properly. And Congratulations to your parents on 40 years!
stealthgerbil t1_j201qjd wrote
Cats are the reason we can't own anything nice.
garysaidiebbandflow t1_j204krj wrote
Love all the pine cones! I wish my parents' original tree had been preserved (for me!). It was small, ensconced in a pretty, glittery white container, and was set up on an even prettier little white table (long gone). But I do have a few precious photos (c. 1964-ish).
brisk0 t1_j20a2ur wrote
My cats taught my toddler how to break branches and now the tree has seen its last Christmas
mcfarmer72 t1_j20aw93 wrote
My parents used a tumble weed their first Christmas.
stocks-mostly-lower t1_j20d80d wrote
It’s very pretty - I love the color scheme.
schwarzeKatzen t1_j20g6k9 wrote
I’m sure 40 years ago they knew it wouldn’t fit into their 2022 home and purchased it specifically to annoy you when their child posted a photo to Reddit. 🙄
[deleted] t1_j20ruh7 wrote
mocheesiest1234 t1_j20ul2w wrote
We got a really nice artificial tree this year from a friend, and we plan to have it for decades.
Side note, putting your tree on a pedestal is fucking brilliant
RichTE t1_j213arq wrote
Who would have thought that something plastic would have lasted this long. 😏
Electrical-Pie-8192 t1_j218zh1 wrote
My sister has our grandparents fake tree. Not sure exactly how old it is, but mom says at the very least 46 years. It looks great too. Grandpa always put it back in the original box. Sister got a new, nicer box for it 9 years ago.
rspydir t1_j21aduj wrote
Got married in the 70s. Bought our tree from Odd Lots / Big Lots in the 80s. ( Have to ask wife what year we got married and not ready for that discussion ). So that's 40ish for both tree and marriage.
BitOCrumpet t1_j21bcbd wrote
May they have another 40 years of love and Christmases!
boothjop t1_j21gelz wrote
Congratulations to them. We've had our tree for over 20 years now. We got it in a post Christmas sale for £10 at a DIY store. It's going to be with us forever.
jw48335 t1_j21kgs3 wrote
FYI - it is almost certainly shedding lead contaminated dust. Near every artificial tree is a toxic waste hazard. The only exception are trees made of polyethylene. The reason manufacturers don't use polyethylene is it's approximately twice as expensive and harder to work with. Purchasing a non-toxic tree for our household cost us $1300 last year. We tried using natural trees for two years in a row after finding out our old artificial tree was heavily lead contaminated, but the natural tree experience did not go well. The Only source of polyethylene trees of an affordable nature is IKEA they are like Charlie brown skinny trees though..
bhez t1_j21tfi9 wrote
That is a very slow growing tree!
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j21ybpi wrote
You should've seen how tiny it was when they got it!
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j21yeim wrote
Except for cats.
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j21yisu wrote
Thanks! I mean, it doesn't look full and fluffy like new ones do, but it has a lot of sentimental value to us!!
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j21ypfx wrote
Lol, it's on a pedestal because the base sort of failed and i had to rescue my mom from under it. No moms were harmed and we laughed so much that day.
pauldeanbumgarner t1_j21yvae wrote
Looks great to me. And with some time and energy you can take each branch and straighten out the needles and even weave new ones to make it thicker. I did that to ours and it looks great. Cheers!
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j21yw4p wrote
Considering how broke my parents were when they got married, I seriously doubt it. But they've taken good care of it ;)
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j21yzjd wrote
Thanks! My mom likes to go with the colorful approach instead of the pinterest white nonsense ;)
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j21z18x wrote
That's so sweet of you :)
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j21z4wm wrote
Amazing! I wish you many 20 year-long cycles of happiness :)
stocks-mostly-lower t1_j21zr62 wrote
I agree with her take on the color scheme.
elepuddnlily t1_j225lv6 wrote
That tree needs more bulbs on it. At least twice.. maybe three times as many to be sure.
MathCrank t1_j22a5fp wrote
How much take is on the box?
dumbnunt_ t1_j22b5mv wrote
oh wow
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j22bu9g wrote
Ooohh, I hadn't thought of that! I'll try it next year! Thanks for sharing :)
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j22c3ln wrote
I'll ask my mom to text me a photo when she puts it back in it! Last time I saw it it was holding up but had a ton of ductape all over!
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j22c9id wrote
That's amazing! I'm definitely going to ask about the stat of the box and will probably send them a new one before my mom puts it away.
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j22cfv9 wrote
Dude, to me it's the most beautiful tree in the world.
HAC522 t1_j22gtog wrote
In fairness, I think it's kind of hard to "kill" an artificial tree. My grandparents had there's for like 30 years, and then gave it away to my aunt Because it was getting too large for them.
The tree my parents had was the same for at least 15 years. Maybe more. Idk what happened to it after we moved out of my childhood home.
The tree I have? It's prelit, so I don't imagine the lights will work for nearly that long, but you cut out the topical lights and wires and you still got a tree. Actually, I bought an identical tree 2 years ago and this year it only had like 25% of it working. The company I bought it from had a 3 year warranty so I got a new one this year free of charge, and donated the old one to my mom with the lights cut off.
76543124680098 t1_j22j9ap wrote
That’s amazing. Looks great!
stealthgerbil t1_j22jmvs wrote
Cats are great so its worth it.
MademoiselleWhy OP t1_j22rqkd wrote
Haha, time to dig out your marriage certificate or old photos!
Optimal-Nose1092 t1_j22zmtp wrote
Looks great!
chrispyshreddedchick t1_j23d32v wrote
Am not annoyed? I only made an observation. I could have a tree for life but I’d rather upgrade and have one that doesn’t look daft (as 99% of people would to).
effluviastical t1_j23p4ym wrote
I can’t believe that’s not a real tree!
toddreg t1_j23rp9y wrote
Dogs are way better
stealthgerbil t1_j24h53v wrote
I love them both equally.
jotadeo t1_j25uqww wrote
Last's breaking my heart
But the very next year, new tree brings us cheer
This tree cannot make us grieve
It's people that make it special
schwarzeKatzen t1_j2bomcs wrote
Peep the subreddit name.
Accomplished-Pear809 t1_j1zcpc3 wrote
Damn they must water it religiously.