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t1_j5h9xar wrote

Frankly, not much. I dont like going around looking like im going to war when im walking around town. That said, Lowa hiking boots, darn tough socks, and brooks running shoes have stood the test of time. Waffle tops from Rothco do the trick for the real deal too. +1 for poncho liners, but theres a ton of knock off crap out there.

Get a good wool blanket too.


t1_j5gsz2i wrote

Everything I was issued was crap. Plus a good chunk of it I had to turn back in anyhow. The only gear I continued using was my Camelbak, and eventually I replaced that too. I'm sure that is still going strong somewhere, I was just sick of camo.


t1_j5hdkku wrote

What is was issued? Not very much. I wear modern RusFed military boots which were like 80$ and comfy and blend in with more things than desert tan boots I was issued (despite those being better). I wear these daily while working on things or just in general. Cheap, durable, comfy, and utilitarian. A little "tactical" vibe to em which i'm not a huge fan of but they're milsurp style pants. Im big into reenacting russian gear as well as heritage, (which doesnt want to die) and I've found that during winter my WW2 era Telogreika keeps me warmer than anything new that I have, and it's just a cotton padded jacket. A lot of the modern issue stuff, or stuff directed towards the "military" crowd seems to be much more expensive than milsurp for equal or lesser quality. Not to mention, if any of this milsurp stuff gets a tear or otherwise, I can repair it with a needle and thread by hand. Ive tried fixing some modern gear and I need a machine or specific tools to do so which is a pain.

Edit: Source hydration packs (like camelbaks) are really good, much easier to maintain as well.


t1_j5ht2jk wrote

The field jacket I bought in 1989 is still going strong. I mostly wear it when I'm running the snow blower or shoveling snow. Doesn't look much different than the day I bought it.


t1_j5ix5aw wrote

Woobie. Camelbak Motherlode and HAWG backpacks. Swiss Army Cadet knives I had. A little brass survival compass we were supposed to safety pin inside our top for E&E, I’ve made a necklace out of it and wear it when I’m camping or hiking. Sewing kit I was issued or bought in 1995 still gets some use. Laundry bag. When I used to do Tough Mudder type races I would run in an old pair of ACU pants cut off just below the knees to make it a little easier to crawl over gravel and I’d wear the old last chance belt to hold them up. And I’d cheat when climbing over walls and hold myself up with the belt buckle while repositioning to climb over. I used an old pair of mechanix gloves I was issued for years when I was riding motorcycles. Eventually I lost them and replaced them with the same style. I liked the coyote brown color when riding. I still run and bike in an old pair of Oakley Half Jackets. I have an old large ALICE pack and frame that I use when I need to sweat some frustrations out and I go ruck. And I have a knock-off combat lifesaver bag without the medics emblem on it that I use to take my art supplies with me when I’m on the go. I also still use some old bore snakes and Otis cleaning kits that were issued, the waffle top, silks for a bottom layer under jeans when I ride motorcycles in colder weather and an old petzl tactical LED headlamp with a red lens cover is in the center console of my car.


t1_j5gtabn wrote

Field jacket, camelbak, gerber


t1_j5hp72t wrote

Honestly none mostly because it doesn’t fit well and doesn’t really fit civilian life. I have a gortex inclimate weather set gathering dust.


t1_j5m5vzq wrote

Not much. I separated for a reason, and “military grade” equipment and clothing is generally very low quality.


t1_j5hji0p wrote

The previous gen sleep system. Thing is amazing


t1_j5hntnq wrote

Boot bands. Those bitches are good for anything, so much so I’ve ordered several packs of them off Amazon.

Grid fleece was solid, red lens is indispensable, hygiene bags as general carry alls or for organizing gear


t1_j5ia4by wrote

I’m not a vet, but I hear a lot of them continue to use Fox River socks.


t1_j5iina9 wrote

I repurposed one of my BDU shirts into a sling bag. It’s kind of like a triangular backpack. I used my belt for the strap. I loved my Bates combat boots, but I haven’t worn them in a long time.


t1_j5k4r82 wrote

I’ve never been military myself but I LOVE the surplus Camelbak I have. It’s way better made than the regular Camelbak bags I’ve had before and it has a little storage which makes it wonderful for short day hiking.


t1_j5khymo wrote

Woobie x 100. Wont last you a lifetime, but it will last a long time and is worth its cost in gold.


t1_j5kr2mp wrote

Though not strictly BIFL, I'm a big fan of Navy Coveralls for working in the garage. They are only $30, and are much more comfortable that the more 'durable' cardboard feel that seem typical in the more expensive ones. I work on my truck quite a bit, and for me, $30 every couple of years is great value.


t1_j5kv4pe wrote

Still in the service but I regularly use my ECWW/APECS when riding my motorcycle in the rain. Goretex jackets are expensive so it's nice to have, and you can get them for cheap on eBay. Only downside is you kinda look like a dweeb riding around in camo, but I don't care as long as I'm dry.

I also use my boots pretty regularly, but I wouldn't call them a great value or anything.


t1_j5m0kjm wrote

Victorinox Climber in classic red cellidor. Bought mine 27 years ago as an electrician on an aircraft carrier. It’s still in my EDC rotation (others are a Vic Compact, Vic Voyageur Alox, and a Vic CyberTool M).


t1_j61awvq wrote

Poncho and ponco liner(woobie) long wool scarf is still available. It's a long hollow tube, terrific scarf. Large Alice pack is great but not terribly comfy as well. Field jacket with liner was fantastic too.