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johanvondoogiedorf t1_j93n0uk wrote

Whats a micrometer


ExHempKnight OP t1_j93xjbe wrote

It's an instrument used to measure very precisely, down to 3, or even 4 decimal places of accuracy. Used mostly in machining and/or metal work.

Each micrometer only has one inch of range, 0-1", 1-2", etc.. The set I've posted measures to 12", so there's 11 mics total.


Hollywood0967 t1_j94f4cn wrote

What are all those bits on the bottom for?


ExHempKnight OP t1_j94fhq3 wrote

Those are standards. They're rods of a calibrated length, used to adjust each mic to zero. Each micrometer has a corresponding standard rod. The black plastic sleeves on each one serve to insulate them from the heat of your hand, which can cause the standard to expand, thus no longer be exact.