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nolanhoff t1_j9offnr wrote

I’ve found that this Yeti (different sizes) is damn near indestructible. I have no idea what day to day situation you could be in to break this.


goblinqueen487 OP t1_j9ohvau wrote

Yeah I did see these when I was searching but came across a few reviews that said they were quite weighty and don't want to add too much extra to my childs back pack.

Thanks for the suggestion


nolanhoff t1_j9oi24m wrote

If you want indestructible, gotta have some trade offs.


gaurddog t1_j9otzrx wrote

Yetis are great but they're not indestructible.

A good enough drop or toss can break the cap or dent the threaded part of the metal and render the seal unreliable.


throowaawayyyy t1_j9ooic0 wrote

Metal is going to get dented.


Necessary_Tie_1731 t1_j9otidm wrote

Plastic gets scuffed up also


throowaawayyyy t1_j9oto7l wrote

I guess as long as it's all cosmetic it doesn't matter


Fair-Store-1580 t1_j9ou3b3 wrote

Same is true with metal. I also prefer metal over plastic for health reasons.


throowaawayyyy t1_j9ourwo wrote

I prefer all metal for health reasons too (also because I drink hot liquids I want to keep insulated)


gaurddog t1_j9ohy9r wrote

Ya the yetis weigh a Lot when loaded.


runliftgrappleshoot t1_j9rbode wrote

My 9 year old has a yeti , no issues while taking it to school for 2 years now. Definitely check them out!!


AdditionalHumor3148 t1_j9ss1ol wrote

Definitely Yeti. Have had mine for six years and have dropped it on concrete/rock more times than I could count. Just one dime sized dent on it. The newer ones aren’t so heavy, but definitely more so than other options. Nalgene does not insulate so you can’t leave it in the sun or put hot liquid in it, which renders it useless imo. Hydro flasks dent all to hell, but I believe they’re cheaper than Yeti.