Submitted by plsgoobs t3_z0yhth in CambridgeMA

While I am grateful that the city procured and installed the PFAS filters, our household really did enjoy the water that we had from MWRA for the past few months.



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BuckyWunderlick007 t1_ix83ccv wrote

I’m sure your pipes, plumbing fixtures and appliances enjoyed the break from the corrosive Cambridge water as well. What can I say? The water is one of the worst things about living in Cambridge. You take the good with the bad.


pelican_chorus t1_ix861mv wrote

Yup, MWRA tastes better. It was the biggest thing I noticed moving from Somerville to Cambridge.


blackdynomitesnewbag t1_ix86ypp wrote

This is so disappointing. Fresh Pond water is literally highway runoff


MyStackRunnethOver t1_ix8blvm wrote

I'll offer the opposite opinion: MWRA water tasted terrible and I'm so glad it's gone. I'm happy at least some people enjoyed it, though :)


take_eacy t1_ix8mxf5 wrote

Was it just me or has anyone else noticed that their PUR filters have been really struggling the past 2 months? I've had 3 filters in a row become extremely slow within about 2 weeks; I used to use them for several months before this happened

Edit: further clarification, I've lived in the same place for two years, used Pur for 10 years. I can only think of about 2 or so other incidences of (new) filter issues like this


7dare t1_ix8tdy7 wrote

wait are we supposed to use filters? I didn't get anything...


becausefrog t1_ix8x9ca wrote

The filters are at the water treatment plant. Cambridge needed to change the filters as part of regular maintenance but due to Covid related shortages they could not get the replacements for months and had to switch over to MWRA water supply until the new filters arrived. New filters installed means they have switched back to Cambridge's own water supply.


Moomoomoo1 t1_ix9kqdl wrote

I can’t tell a difference in the taste but my shower water pressure was a lot higher


kenzieone t1_ix9m4ay wrote

This shit taste nasssssssty now. MWRA water supreme. I get why they made the policy choice to keep Cambridge water but from the perspective of a renter who drinks water… this water doesn’t hit the same AT ALL


earlgreyyuzu t1_ixaf23e wrote

What does Cambridge water taste like? I’ve been drinking it, but I don’t notice much of a difference. Maybe it tastes a little flat and not as crisp as MWRA water?


justsomegraphemes t1_ixbfhov wrote

Hmm. I've used a Pur filter in different places and this summer/fall is the first time I've had a filter pass water wayyy slower than it should just weeks after installation. I haven't come up with any possible explanation until now.