
charlottespider t1_je7pp3o wrote

Landlords don't want to rent to families. It's a huge problem in Cambridge, and it has been for more than a decade. Do you have a housing resource through your school? We went into Harvard University housing, and that's the only way my family was able to find a Cambridge apartment 10 years ago. I watched landlords take my application and crumple it up, laughing. Finding an apartment in Brooklyn was a breeze in comparison.


charlottespider t1_j5ex4ig wrote

These jobs aren't the norm, though. I'm a software engineer, and I work 40 hours, plus much more when deadline crunch time comes. I work hard on my off hours to ramp up skills because everything becomes stale really quickly. Like, I completely agree that most workers are underpaid, and some tech workers are overpaid, but no one I know has a job like you describe here.