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thatguy10095 t1_j338y8p wrote

Cop presence doesn't reduce crime/citeable offenses. More citations just means more money goes to the city in fines.


noob_tube03 t1_j339qje wrote

Not sure how you get people to not park in the bike lane without fines, but sure.


thatguy10095 t1_j33aeq0 wrote

Protected bike lanes would definitely be a place to start. Fines are only a deterrent if you don't have the money to pay them. Maybe some sort of strike system where you get your license suspended if you're cited enough times. But more cops wouldn't necessarily fix the issue.


maxwellb t1_j36vm4c wrote

There is a three strike system already, though I don't think it includes obstructing a bike lane. You could advocate for changing the state law to include bike lane obstruction, but you then have to take responsibility for suspending licenses of the various gig workers that rely on their car to survive, and I feel like that's probably too unpalatable.


thatguy10095 t1_j36xf7r wrote

I don't have to take responsibility for anything lmao, the drivers who continuously get citations to the point of suspension would be responsible for themselves. We don't say the state is responsible when someone gets their license suspended for breaking other road laws, this would be no different.


maxwellb t1_j36xlpb wrote

We do though (maybe you personally don't), just like e.g. people hold politicians responsible for ruining lives with penalties for nonviolent drug offences. Crucially the current rules only suspend licenses for moving violations, which have a very different risk profile.


thatguy10095 t1_j36y58j wrote

I blame politicians for not taking action to right the unjust laws, but I still hold the offenders responsible for their own actions. I may agree that the law is unfair, but I understand the consequences associated with breaking it. And in this case, I can blame the politicians for not taking action that would make parking in the bikelane more difficult to do (such as protected lanes), but if there were a law in place that lead to drivers licenses being suspended I would still hold the offenders responsible for their own actions.


maxwellb t1_j36yeht wrote

I agree. To clarify, what I'm saying is I think there would be too much push back because of that issue (combined with drivers who push back on accountability in general) for it to get traction.