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BuckyWunderlick007 t1_j7lz5sk wrote

Bye bye. Milk Bar was one of the most overrated things ever to roll through Cambridge. Hopefully it doesn’t become another bank. Would give a few of my fingers to have the Greenhouse back!


CostcoBrandDinosaur t1_j7mblil wrote

We tried Milk Bar once, it was awful and the out of town person who had wanted to go apologized to us for suggesting it.


[deleted] t1_j7m571v wrote

Milk Bar was a gigantic let down for me as well.


holycow958 t1_j7m1x3c wrote

I wanted it to be good, was excited when it came, but it just... wasn't


bostonfood t1_j7mr3tm wrote

OMG I looooooove the greenhouse and their chocolate cake!!!


[deleted] t1_j7mux4a wrote



BuckyWunderlick007 t1_j7mvqg4 wrote

GTFO with that nonsense. We support women owned businesses which provide quality products and services. Milk Bar was a chain, selling garbage at exorbitant prices. I’ll give my money to Joanne Chang instead. A LOCAL female owned and managed business providing high-quality products and a positive work environment for its employees.


[deleted] t1_j7mw955 wrote



p53lifraumeni t1_j7myc23 wrote

There’s a difference between an entrepreneur and a grifter.


NJS_Stamp t1_j7nyfub wrote

I love the idea that there is a real possibility that the owner of Milkbar has a burner Reddit account that is basically a play on the word “cumbubble42069”


p53lifraumeni t1_j7o3raa wrote

That’s a hilarious thought. Though honestly, wouldn’t even be that surprised.