Submitted by IntelligentCicada363 t3_10y5uy2 in CambridgeMA
blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j7w6l65 wrote
IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_j7w6pt2 wrote
The 77 is great and should run more frequently, and the city without a doubt should keep these bus lanes.
sf_sf_sf t1_j7w82em wrote
Great graphs in the article
IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_j7w8neg wrote
I live right off N. Mass Ave in this area and was super impressed with the graph/data and results! The suburban car commuters can get bent. The bus lanes and bike lanes are a huge improvement.
IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_j7w8w14 wrote
I have seen the po po relatively frequently enforce these bus lanes too, which is a nice change of pace for the city.
gidklio t1_j7w9iv0 wrote
Full report (from last November) here:
gidklio t1_j7w9kgb wrote
lol @ their folder naming conventions
MyStackRunnethOver t1_j7wbqqt wrote
It's a shame there are no longer any businesses along that stretch of Mass Ave, for all those bus riders to enjoy... \s
Edit: sarcasm flag before OP comes to my home to do me harm
IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_j7wcfbi wrote
I live there and have absolutely no idea what the fuck you are talking about. They are all still open. Even the biggest moaners like Fast Phil's and City Paint are still around. Season To Taste moved into a larger building with zero parking in a more expensive part of Cambridge.
And frankly, many of the businesses in this stretch of Mass Ave suck big time and despite living literal footsteps from them I refuse to patronize them because they offer awful products or services.
watervapr t1_j7wdpij wrote
Great outcome but it boggles my mind the amount of resources put into “studies” and “research”. Like yea if you add a bus lane no shit it will run faster. That’s like saying “if you have less traffic, you can drive faster”. Imagine if the money spent doing these studies was just put towards construction of actual infrastructure.
MyStackRunnethOver t1_j7weilb wrote
Updated plz don’t hurt me
[deleted] t1_j7wereo wrote
Analyst37 t1_j7wftnx wrote
Think of it as an investment. The results shown in the graph are pretty clearly supportive of just how helpful these bus lanes can be while not having a significant impact on car drivers. That latter point is something that might be helpful in speaking to/convincing car drivers who don't like bus lanes.
[deleted] t1_j7wg8mr wrote
[deleted] t1_j7whg07 wrote
Dependent_Dimension t1_j7wif4b wrote
It's frustrating that this is called a bus lane when it's a parking lane for 21 hours (bringing traffic down to one lane for both cars and buses). How can we allow one single car to create a bottleneck on traffic by literally parking in the middle of Mass Ave instead of having them park on the side street? Buses don't stop running at 9am!
albertogonzalex t1_j7wmf5c wrote
IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_j7wmror wrote
Sorry the bullshit from the residents around here drove me nuts
holly_hoots t1_j7woedm wrote
Forever '21
SheeEttin t1_j7wsh0f wrote
Because when people come to meetings and go "bike cabals ruining my bakery rabble rabble rabble" they can say "no you're wrong and here's proof, shut up".
I_Fart_In_Trams t1_j7wwpjk wrote
When? I almost never see them in the mornings. I wish they’d be there every morning, I’m sure they could fund the PD with ppl illegally driving in the bus lanes.
vhalros t1_j7xecp6 wrote
Shouldn't you want to have a more precise idea about how much faster , and what effects it has on other travelers, for future implementation?
vhalros t1_j7xfgrb wrote
The full analysis linked from the article does look at car travel times. The TL;DR of it is: Compared to a control street they increased immediately after installation, but have since stabilized and show little difference.
vhalros t1_j7xkhwy wrote
I have definitely seen them on Northbound side in the evening, on motorcycles, lurking among the flex posts. They definitely aren't there every day, but I have seen enforcement often enough that it probably makes some difference.
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_j7xqhnk wrote
Comparing 2019 and 2022 seems like a real apples and oranges situation. So much has changed. Overall T system ridership is still down by almost 30% vs 2019. A lot has changed, not just the lanes.
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_j7xqqil wrote
You guys really need to get over this bakery thing.
cuddlebear t1_j7xqzwk wrote
If you're concerned about showing a complete picture you'd have to look at more than just travel times. Add in account for for safety, noise, environmental impact, cost, air quality, etc. Buses will be a clear winner.
IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_j7xu7hu wrote
There are other costs than just time to transportation, ignoring the fact that their analysis showed little overall change to car traffic
IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_j7xudgo wrote
No, it’s funny
SheeEttin t1_j7xv75r wrote
Nah she needs to get over the bike lane thing. Until then, she's gonna keep being a meme
pattyorland t1_j7y51ub wrote
"Inbound buses (headed toward Harvard while the dedicated bus lane was in effect) traveled 31 percent faster on average"
How did bus travel times change during the hours when there's only a single inbound lane for cars and buses?
pattyorland t1_j7y5de0 wrote
When are they going to expand bus service? If they're dedicating a lane to buses, it should get more service than just a 77 to Arlington Heights every 10 minutes.
They should look at the places people are driving to, and start some bus lines there, or at least to park-and-ride lots along the way.
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_j7yhe98 wrote
Seems a little bit obsessive, no?
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_j7yhlg4 wrote
Freak out harder.
SheeEttin t1_j7yxqsu wrote
That's a casual joking reference. Obsession would be replying to every negative mention with something like "FAKE BIKER REVIEW NOT A CUSTOMER".
vhalros t1_j7yyemu wrote
The 77 was only down 8-16 % in ridership (from the analysis), which is less than the bus system overall. It would be nice to have some comparison to one of the other key bus routes with out dedicated lanes, if they could find a good control.
tbootsbrewing t1_j7z2gti wrote
fake biker post, pay no attention! /s
tbootsbrewing t1_j7z31ln wrote
I rode my bike by Fast Phil's a few weeks ago when it was warm, and the dude sitting out in front (Phil?) waved and said hi to me... I was surprised because I've seen them listed as one of the biggest crybabies about the bike lanes... signs of a thaw?
IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_j7z3p40 wrote
Honestly he is a friendly and chatty guy, and seems like a good human being. I think if he wants his business to succeed he can’t live in the past, which is what all these businesses are trying to do. Despite me liking him in general, I don’t get my hair cut there lol.
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_j7z5bq1 wrote
My only exposure to this nonsense is through the people who keep posting about it in this sub. Seems a liiiittle much.
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_j7z5x2o wrote
Agree on the control, but the route's own ridership isn't the only thing that the system ridership drop indicates. Commuting overall is down. For example, peak traffic levels in Boston are down by almost half between 2019 and 2021 on some days of the week. (See
maxwellb t1_j7z6tn0 wrote
Nice to see some data. It does feel a bit cherrypicked (or alternatively maybe an advertisement for how nice the routes could be if more than a few blocks had bus lanes) to only consider a tiny portion of the overall route. Anecdotally (I (try to) take the 77 a lot) that route seems to get bunched up and come more like two to three busses every 30 minutes than what the actual schedule says, and it's faster to walk between Cameron and Porter in practice about half the time.
What I would like to see instead of bus travel time as a metric is person travel time - something like given a random distribution of humans arriving at the bus stop, how long on average does it take, including waiting for the bus, to get to a given destination.
IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_j7z6zfl wrote
I hope this data supports extending the bus lane all the way to Porter, so least. Traffic tends to clear after that
vt2022cam t1_j7z7al9 wrote
And this is without police even enforcing the bus lanes. Can you imagine, telling a Boston area driver that there’s a lane they can use because it’s used by a bus.
vt2022cam t1_j7z7frc wrote
They should add an express bus that hits the more used stops but much fewer of them. The CT1 was a great idea but the T set it up to fail.
IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_j7z7k0v wrote
Yea. I would like a bus that goes straight from Cameron to Porter to Harvard lol but I doubt it Will happen
vt2022cam t1_j7z81tp wrote
Well, you need about a quarter of the stops for an express bus, and you run them more during rush hours. The CT 1 fails because they didn’t advertise it, they treated as a separate bus on running the same route, they ran 1 bus for every 10 regular #1 buses, and it stopped at Central Sq, not Harvard.
The CT2 is successful and still running, but ran a separate route connecting multiple subway lines.
bazeblackwood t1_j7z8su7 wrote
Now they just need to ticket themselves when they park in a bike lane
maxwellb t1_j7za3hy wrote
Me too. I think it won't be reliable until it's extended through Arlington though.
SheeEttin t1_j7zbf7p wrote
Maybe you spend too much time on reddit.
vhalros t1_j7zgjcy wrote
I just can't get over the fact that we had funding all lined up and everything to extend to the Red Line all the way to Arlington, then blocked it. And forty years later we are talking about maybe doing an express bus route.
LetsKillJesusAgain t1_j81rb3z wrote
How do you peasants have patience for that hogwash
StechMan t1_j81rnle wrote
Doesn’t take much patience these days your highn-ass
LetsKillJesusAgain t1_j81sy70 wrote
Livin life on normie mode Holmes
Who got time for buses who
You got time for that crime?
Killin your time
Killin your mind
Just so you can do your grind
StechMan t1_j7w64gc wrote
Honestly, I've started taking the bus a lot more recently and it's been a really good experience for me.