Submitted by t3_111olib in CambridgeMA

Am I alone with this challenge? Having a devil of a time removing the 2022 adhesive city of Cambridge resident parking sticker from my windshield. Truth be told, here’s a pic of the intact 2022 sticker and it’s the 2021 sticker residue that ails me today - I haven’t even begun removing 2022.

What is everyone else doing? Plastic chisel? Soaking the adhesive in something? I’m afraid to use a razor blade.



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t1_j8fvyx1 wrote

Razor blade should be fine, just keep it flat. Goo-gone works well. It's definitely a pain


t1_j8fz1pq wrote

I just use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and a little plastic scraper.


t1_j8fzoua wrote

next time, throw cling wrap on the sticky side and then just tape it to your window.


t1_j8g022n wrote

I see a lot of people mentioning razor blades, and I just want to mention that you can get plastic razor blades from hardware stores, like Tags, if you're afraid of scratching the glass. After you get the bulk of it off with the razor blade, use isopropyl alcohol to attack the remaining adhesive.


t1_j8g056z wrote

After many years of razor-blading, I saw these sticker shields at the Ace Hardware in Porter Sq. Depending on how you value your time they might be worth the investment; you’ll never need to scrape off a sticker again! (Pretty sure they’re available on Amazon as well.)


t1_j8g5vbf wrote

COVID helped me on this one. I have a little hand sanitizer in my glove compartment now and since it's mostly alcohol it does the trick ni still need to give it a good few rounds of rubbing though.


t1_j8g6kl5 wrote

Nail polish remover is your best bet. Works every time. Don’t use a razor.


t1_j8g8bii wrote

After you're done removing this, I put a piece of clear packaging tape (or you can buy dedicated sticker shields) over the sticky part of the permit then just keep it on my windshield with a small sliver of tape.


t1_j8gegas wrote

Break the window and have insurance replace it for no charge. It's the easiest way. /S


t1_j8gm7en wrote

After spending an hour scraping one off, I started using double-sided scotch tape over the adhesive. It holds fine and comes off easily


t1_j8grtc5 wrote

For the future, I got a little plastic thing that sticks to the windshield into which I can insert the parking passes. I have self laminating adhesive sheets I use to laminate the pass so it’s not externally sticky.

I just ask the auto shop to scrape it off when I do my inspection and oil change at the same time. They have the tools and are always nice enough to do it.


t1_j8ii1dj wrote

My annual vehicle inspection is around the same time as parking renewal, and I’ve had good luck asking the guy at the inspection place if he could scrape off the old parking sticker at the same time. Takes them 2 seconds with their scraper tool