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JimboFett87 t1_ixajak3 wrote

I wish I had kept on top of airport flight patterns. It's gotten really bad in the last 10 years. Columbia is literally in line with the western runway for takeoffs/landings. It makes Columbia REALLY noisy.


christian-mann t1_ixatpbi wrote

maybe that's true near Pub Dog / Costco? I haven't noticed it at all near the mall

or I'm just deaf 😃


JimboFett87 t1_ixaw4ac wrote

If you’re at the mall you probably don’t notice it. If you’re past the hospital you definitely notice it


BalancingAct247 OP t1_ixasqh6 wrote

Oh, really good point. I’ll look into that for sure. I’d you have any websites you recommend for reference, that would be awesome.


TimbersawDust t1_ixcg04f wrote

Google Maps. Just draw a line from each runway. It’s not going to be perfect since take offs can really go anywhere but landings are going to likely be a straight line for a good number of miles