JimboFett87 t1_japhseb wrote
JimboFett87 t1_jag4812 wrote
Reply to Anyone remember the woman who rode bicycle in Columbia wearing a bikini and black full face helmet? by Successful_Wolf2555
Been here 20 years and it's not ringing a bell...
JimboFett87 t1_jaet1v6 wrote
Reply to comment by MisterCheesy in Eggspectations by hymie0
What you mean you don't like waiting for 3 hours for brunch? /s
JimboFett87 t1_jaesqye wrote
Reply to ATV noise next door: what to do? by [deleted]
So I can comment about this, as I had a neighbor run a generator in their yard for over a week after they failed to pay the electrical bill.
You are pretty much SOL during daylight hours, unfortunately. The only time the after hours effect comes into play is after 10 PM, and at that point the police have to measure the sound from a specific distance from your house with a calibrated instrument.
So unless they run them after 10PM, there's not much you can do from any authorities.
JimboFett87 t1_j5bkwig wrote
Reply to Where to take Golf lessons? by acedelaf
Yes the CA golf courses are a great way to get started at an affordable price. Fairway Hills also has a Green League in the spring summer and fall that’s a great way to get time on the course with others at the beginner skill level, I highly recommend it.
A more expensive option is GolfTec in Ellicott City and they are a good way to refine your game as they have ways to video your swing so that you can work on specific things.
JimboFett87 t1_j51i2ei wrote
Reply to comment by BakeBeginning7863 in Best pizza places here? by Islooite-69
We like Homeslyce, but its kinda pricey
JimboFett87 t1_j4y43cq wrote
Reply to comment by Wx_Justin in Best pizza places here? by Islooite-69
I used to like Trattoria years ago, but then they changed their recipe somehow and it wasn't as good
JimboFett87 t1_j4y3ye8 wrote
Reply to Best pizza places here? by Islooite-69
The best NY style pizza in Columbia is the Waterloo pizza at the Exxon on LPP.
Lots of other good stuff too
JimboFett87 t1_j4q1nuu wrote
Reply to comment by Healith in How’s Columbia for Allergies? by Healith
Yeah, I've been wondering about mold related allergies with all the rain we've been getting lately.
JimboFett87 t1_j4pxi2u wrote
Reply to How’s Columbia for Allergies? by Healith
Depending on what you're sensitive to, generally springtime is rough - the pollen gets very bad and I need to make sure that I start taking allergy meds in late February.
Summer through winter is fine for most.
JimboFett87 t1_j4je8v8 wrote
Reply to comment by DavidHobby in NEED HELP, road rage incident- got a gun pulled on me and got cut off multiple times on 175 and swerved out of control into a ditch near thunder hill by [deleted]
Great. I've been here for 20.
I've seen a lot of bad road behavior here in Columbia in this "post pandemic" world. People drive the way they want without consequence, and I've seen a lot of egregious driving in broad daylight, so something like this late at night would not surprise me, given how Columbia is today.
And given OP's engagement in the thread, it would seem to indicate that they want productive feedback. Which your comment absolutely was not.
JimboFett87 t1_j4jbaf7 wrote
Reply to comment by DavidHobby in NEED HELP, road rage incident- got a gun pulled on me and got cut off multiple times on 175 and swerved out of control into a ditch near thunder hill by [deleted]
David, sometimes it's better not to even reply. Not sure why you wasted the energy to type that, as OP was asking a legit question
JimboFett87 t1_j28ol2c wrote
Reply to comment by MulciberTenebras in Is there a name for the TV trope when a character is stupid/silly but they become the straight man in episodes alongside a stupider character? by 3kool5you
But it was still part of the evolution of the show.
JimboFett87 t1_j279vn4 wrote
Reply to Is there a name for the TV trope when a character is stupid/silly but they become the straight man in episodes alongside a stupider character? by 3kool5you
I'd argue Jamie Farr's Max Klinger from MASH is a great example of this.
Started out as a guy trying to be crazy to get out of the Army, ended up being the company clerk and getting a promotion to Sergeant by the end of the show.
JimboFett87 t1_j1m7at2 wrote
Reply to comment by sm04d in why do series shows always have so many seemingly random people directing every episode? by OctoberRust13
Yep, showrunners are usually EPs and keep the continuity across a series where a director is focused on a specific ep.
Sometimes those overlap but not often. Or we see limited series with one director across all the episodes.
JimboFett87 t1_j1kqk2t wrote
Reply to comment by mugenhunt in why do series shows always have so many seemingly random people directing every episode? by OctoberRust13
Yep it's a logistics play. The director is the manager of the episode and they need to be involved in all stages, so on a weekly drama they have a particular schedule to keep. Everyone has their jobs but the manager has to rotate out.
JimboFett87 t1_iyokdsi wrote
Reply to comment by internet_emporium in Are there red light cameras by the Columbia mall? by internet_emporium
JimboFett87 t1_iyofrje wrote
Yeah. I need to pay one LOL
JimboFett87 t1_ixaw4ac wrote
Reply to comment by christian-mann in If you’re not totally happy in Columbia… by BalancingAct247
If you’re at the mall you probably don’t notice it. If you’re past the hospital you definitely notice it
JimboFett87 t1_ixajak3 wrote
I wish I had kept on top of airport flight patterns. It's gotten really bad in the last 10 years. Columbia is literally in line with the western runway for takeoffs/landings. It makes Columbia REALLY noisy.
JimboFett87 t1_iuxw8uu wrote
Reply to comment by wd011 in Leaf Blower Hell by chairmanm30w
The noise ordinance is only for certain situations and mostly at night.
I had a bad neighbor running an extremely loud generator less than thirty feet from my bedroom and the police couldn't do anything unless it was a)after 10 PM, I think, and at a certain decibel level measured by the police's calibrated equipment.
I feel for you. Columbia can be a freaking noisy place.
JimboFett87 t1_iu8i7p4 wrote
Reply to booze at Columbia wegmans? by 342haylegs
Oh they are finally moving forward with this! That’s what the intention of the space was for when they opened this Wegmans years ago, but they’ve just been using it mainly for storage since. Looking forward to the new place.
JimboFett87 t1_iru1s4r wrote
Reply to comment by bourbon_MD in Know any restaurant quality Butcher? by Arcticsnorkler
+1000000 on this
JimboFett87 t1_jat8f44 wrote
Reply to Mansion in Covenant Park by bigjd7
I have to wonder why anyone would build that large of a mansion almost directly beneath one of the loudest flight paths in the area? I'm sure the house is wonderful, but I just can't deal with the air traffic around here, and that's right near where they come in to the eastbound BWI approach path from the north.