ethantremblayyy t1_jdhdj5a wrote
Reply to comment by nuttmegganarchist in 'We cannot remain complacent.' ADL reports antisemitic incidents in Connecticut doubled in 2022 by jaydecay123
ADL is literally a paid liberal propaganda machine.
nuttmegganarchist t1_jdhe016 wrote
Do you understand why what you said is antisemitic? Or are you parroting someone else’s words without understanding them?
[deleted] t1_jdhfhme wrote
usernamedunbeentaken t1_jdhpawb wrote
This post is an example of why there have been an 'increase in anti-semitic' incidents.
When you expand the definition of 'antisemitic' to criticism of ADL, then yeah anti-semitic incidents are going up. I also question the ADLs motivations and also the validity of their statistics. I guess that's yet another anti-semitic incident to add to the tally.
nuttmegganarchist t1_jdhsq2o wrote
There is a difference between legitimate criticism and spouting off about something being a liberal propaganda machine. Criticizing Israel for acting as an apartheid state is a legitimate criticism but accusing the Jewish community of having a space laser is antisemitism. You can can call things out without using antisemitic terms
usernamedunbeentaken t1_jdhuw8z wrote
According to your definition, saying ADL is a liberal propaganda machine is anti-semitic, but calling Israel an apartheid state isn't. I don't know what to tell you. Your definitions are arbitrary and biased, and your views regarding the topic should be irrelevant to any reasonable person.
vitalvisionary t1_jdhxont wrote
Well see one is true and one isn't. It's quite obvious to this reasonable person.
usernamedunbeentaken t1_jdi1sr8 wrote
Sounds like something an unreasonable and biased person would say.
vitalvisionary t1_jdi3shy wrote
Well then you need to work on your empirical evidence evaluation and learn the difference between unsubstantiated opinions and provable facts. Ya know, reason it out.
nuttmegganarchist t1_jdhzpud wrote
But why are those definitions arbitrary and biased? Is it because you say so or are there hard facts I’m missing in my life?
usernamedunbeentaken t1_jdi1p6u wrote
Can you point to a hard fact that saying ADL is a liberal propaganda machine is "anti-semitic"?
No, you can't. Therefore your definition is arbitrary.
nuttmegganarchist t1_jdi3uzl wrote
Yes I can. The ADL is an organization defending the Jewish community and was founded by a Jewish person. It’s a Jewish organization. Saying a Jewish organization is a liberal propaganda machine is parroting what known antisemitic organizations have been sayings since the 1930’s and well before that. I can give you a really good list of primary sources
Coincel_pro t1_jdhspv7 wrote
Can you show us where the doubling of incidents this year is due to criticism of the ADL then?
usernamedunbeentaken t1_jdhuji5 wrote
No, because sadly the linked article only gives a number and the ADL hasn't provided a detailed list of all incidents by year so readers could understand the context and validity of their claim.
However, specifically by nutmegganarchist's standards, there have been at least 2 more anti-semitic incidents in this very thread.
Coincel_pro t1_jdhvr7z wrote
Cool story bro
ethantremblayyy t1_jdhe9u3 wrote
are you saying it’s anti-semetic to criticize the ADL??
nuttmegganarchist t1_jdhhx7l wrote
No not inherently. It’s about how you criticize them. Criticism from a factual basis is not for the most part unless you’re using facts but leaving key information out on purpose as a way push forward antisemitic ideas. If you’re wondering why your statement is antisemitic and not a valid criticism I would definitely recommend looking into how long people who are antisemitic have been accusing the Jewish community of being some sort of “propaganda machine” and what effects that has had.
ethantremblayyy t1_jdhi33o wrote
almost like you can go back to any point in history and people have a problem with the jews.
Badgercakes7 t1_jdhke62 wrote
Is that supposed to make you attacking them now more ok?
ethantremblayyy t1_jdhkzbv wrote
the ADL isn’t “jewish people”
Badgercakes7 t1_jdhljqw wrote
> almost like you can go back to any point in history and people have a problem with the jews.
I’m pretty sure “the Jews” are “Jewish people”
ethantremblayyy t1_jdhnyff wrote
you conflate the two and try and differentiate. circular behavior.
Badgercakes7 t1_jdhoc73 wrote
So attacking the ADL for helping Jewish people shouldn’t be conflated with you attacking Jewish people??
ethantremblayyy t1_jdhpvsy wrote
doesn’t minimize the fact that the ADL is a literal paid liberal propaganda machine
Badgercakes7 t1_jdhs0ii wrote
Do you have evidence for this claim? What have they said specifically that you take exception to? Or do you just hear “violence against Jewish people is on the rise” and immediately assume that’s bullshit?
ethantremblayyy t1_jdhsroe wrote
well most violence against jews is coming from the black community but that’s another conversation. as far as the propaganda front?
“Right wing extremists have been praising Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who is charged with murdering 2 men at a social justice protest in Kenosha, WI.
Glorification of murder in any form sets a dangerous tone.”
Badgercakes7 t1_jdhul58 wrote
- Do you have a source for your claim that most violence against Jewish people is committed by the black community? I tried searching and can’t find anything besides some random people on Twitter saying it.
1a) Even if it were true, what’s your point? Is violence against the jewish community better or worse because black peoples are doing it? Are you somehow justified in attacking jewish people because black peoples are doing it too?
- I don’t really see how that’s “propaganda” unless your saying that glorification of murder DOESNT set a bad precedent. Regardless of whether rittenhouse was legally justified in killing those people, or not, it was still one person killing several others. You can make an argument to justify it but that doesn’t mean we have to GLORIFY it, which is what that quote is saying.
ethantremblayyy t1_jdi4dwy wrote
no one dare criticize the ultimate victims
Badgercakes7 t1_jdi4saj wrote
No one has ever said Jewish people are above criticism. Do you have any specific criticisms you wish to be made or are you just mad that they are Jewish?
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