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Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_jdedw0j wrote

“Everything is about building a relationship with the violent student and trying to coach emotional regulation.”

As opposed to…. What exactly?

School isn’t just for teaching the Pythagorean Theorem, it’s also about proper socialization and how to work with people you like/dislike/hate because that what you do in the real world. The idea that an 8th grader doesn’t need help in their emotional development is laughable, and to think all parents will do their due diligence in teaching emotional regulation is a pipe dream


PettyWitch OP t1_jdelj49 wrote

Honestly I think the serial offenders should just be made to go pick trash off the roadside if they are just using the school system for babysitting and not learning.


Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_jdelt4g wrote

So… we take middle schoolers who have disciplinary problems and make them child slaves for the state?

this has to be a troll


pond_minnow t1_jdeytps wrote

Maybe just put them in a separate school with the other degenerates


PettyWitch OP t1_jdemgr5 wrote

That or go home. I’m pretty sure everybody is tired of chronically disruptive and or violent kids preventing the rest of the class from getting a decent education.


Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_jdemph1 wrote

“I saw a couple anecdotes… and now I wanna enslave school kids for my benefit cuz I can’t be bothered to do anything that actually helps”

Internet brain rot is real… go touch grass


PettyWitch OP t1_jdenghw wrote

Sounds like this is personal for you and you were one of those losers in school or your kid is lol


Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_jdeoeh8 wrote

Nope…. Just graduated college with 0 disciplinary marks from K-Graduation.

I just value what public education has done for my life, and find you to be brain dead for thinking it ok to enslave and ruin the life of a 14 year old without even trying to address the problems that may have led to their lack of emotional regulation.


[deleted] t1_jdeoowp wrote

On a separate note is it the job of the taxpayer to fund a treatment plan for an unruly child? Especially if it can be shown through documentation that the child’s own parents have not been present in the implementation of any action plan to help said child? No, we shouldn’t be making children into slaves of the State but at what point do we finally say enough is enough and that 2% of the children ruining the educational safety and experience for the other 98% is not a viable or realistic request.


Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_jdeqsn1 wrote

It actually is the job of the tax payer to fund public education. Much like how your taxes fund sports team your kids don’t play on, musicals your kids may or may not participate in, or classrooms your kid doesn’t go into. It is also the job of the tax payer to pay for services that other people’s children may need.

It’s weird to me, I’m sure both of us know full grown adults that can’t regulate their emotions, so why are we to expect the children of those adults to be able to do so? It’s setting people up for failure.


[deleted] t1_jdev13l wrote

I never said I’m not okay with funding schools. I’m not okay with unquestioningly funding schools when repeat offending children are stomping out their classmates in a bathroom just to come back within the year. It’s not fair to expect the community to pay hefty property taxes just to have their own children feel unsafe. The more it happens in this country the more detrimental it will be for public education in general.


Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_jdewga2 wrote

So just to confirm, children of parents with the inability to emotionally regulate should be condemned to a life without the basic fundamentals and requirements of even the most “unskilled” labor.

No high school degree, no attempt to curve undesirable behavior, just throw them to the wolves and wait for them to commit serious offenses in the real world.


[deleted] t1_jdenyf5 wrote



Long_Ad_9092 t1_jdf3mjk wrote

Idk, I don’t remember touching my friends butts in middle school. That sounds like textbook inappropriate. They should be preparing the students by teaching them that that type of behavior isn’t allowed in the real world. If I touched a coworkers butt after they told me to stop I would be fired and/or arrested. I think a phone call home is an entirely appropriate response. Sounds like you’re the type of idiot parent all these other posts are referring to.