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charons-voyage t1_jdy8ah1 wrote

Can you afford to rent a place in the city? Maybe you could stay over a couple nights a week?


Taurothar t1_jdycago wrote

This is the only thing that would make sense to split that kind of commute, otherwise I'd suggest one or the other find a new job.


Jkay064 t1_jdywyzn wrote

Nights in nyc are $500 each. How many nights are you saying, per week?


charons-voyage t1_jdze39k wrote

Since OP didn’t mention their budget I have no idea what they can afford. I’m assuming they have high income to even be considering the situation described in the post.


Jkay064 t1_je0z148 wrote

I am in the same position as OP, and you have to understand that the “high income” number is the gross number, and hotel bills come out of your net income. If you make $300k per year base, before any bonuses that sounds like a lot; almost $1000 per day in pay. Then comes the tax man and 401k savings, and health insurance. It turns out they all want $400 every day from you.

When the net is $600 out of 1000, and the hotel man wants $500 of that? Not a good plan.


charons-voyage t1_je282kj wrote

Nobody made you take those jobs though lol. Trust me I live in Boston now. I appreciate that high income doesn’t mean wealthy. But you make a choice on career and location and spouse and house etc.


Jkay064 t1_je29d8n wrote

And that’s why I live on the upper west side now. Paying the rent here is far less than paying for hotels.