
Taurothar t1_je6pmwd wrote

Over seed your lawn with clover to fertilize, don't keep it a grass monoculture, and plant lots of native wildflowers where it makes sense. Grass lawns are killing the ecosystems, and the lawn chemicals are creating worse pests every year.


Taurothar t1_je6p7qe wrote

Reply to comment by Ok_Repair_92 in Best lawn service? by dingdingyo

Here's a tip for all you green lawn lovers, just plant some fucking clover and get over it. It re-balances the nitrogen in the lawn on its own while not growing super tall, especially if you get a microclover seed. No need to fertilize every year and looks far better in drought as well without needing to water ever.


Taurothar t1_jdybsrv wrote

The metro north Waterbury to Bridgeport is often a bus route when the tracks are having issues or the small train is having issues. They are renovating or have renovated? the parking there but I don't recall as it's been a while though it's still not the best place to leave your car frequently. You're better off getting on the Hartford line in Walliingford or Berlin and getting an express from New Haven to Grand Central or Penn.


Taurothar t1_j8sozss wrote

> Why did you bring up minorities or democrats?

This isn't the "gotcha" you think it is. It's usually the line I get when talking about urban crime with gun nuts. Saying "criminals commit crime" is also pretty self evident, so I didn't think you'd be that stupid as to want to spell that out as if it was an argument.

And yes, people with guns shoot people. People without guns, can't shoot people. Reducing those guns in quantity or effectiveness reduces the number of people who are shot.

But you know what the most effective means to reduce crime is? Improving quality of life through raising incomes, revitalizing neighborhoods, providing social resources, and developing communities where people don't need to resort to crime to survive.

If we spent half of what we do on the military on those types of goals, we wouldn't be seeing the kinds of shooting sprees that lead to these calls to ban guns. Too bad most gun nuts are also Republican who vote against using money this way though.


Taurothar t1_j7t13bs wrote

I'd recommend checking out The Portal in Manchester as another option, they host a lot of gaming nights. I know they do a "Learn to play D&D" night every Wednesday at 7pm, which might be a good place to meet other players even though you're experienced in the game. They might also need more DMs to fill in or expand out to more tables. They also host all day RPG events from time to time, so following them on Facebook would be a good idea.

Most Excellent Gaming in Manchester is also a great little shop, mostly focused on card games but they do sell board games and host a D&D night on Wednesdays.

Tabletop Gaming Center in Newington is a good option as the other comment stated and I know they were looking for more DMs as of mid January to host games on Wednesdays/Thursdays for D&D and Tuesdays for Pathfinder.

Cheers and welcome to the area from another nerdy central CT resident.


Taurothar t1_j5za2la wrote

I agree with reasonable term limits, but cycling new people that them too easily abused by lobbyists who know the system better than newbies. Career politicians at all levels have value in safeguarding the processes.

That said, nobody should stay at the same level for more than 8-12 years. Move up or move out.


Taurothar t1_iu0r9zk wrote

That's revisionist. The owner promised to keep them here if sales targets were met, and then removed the partial season passes that were the most popular, and even when those sales targets were met despite that, he moved the team anyway because he wanted to have his businesses in a more tax friendly state in the South, backed by the NHL commissioner who was pushing his own Southern expansion strategy, and a Governor Rowland who was focusing on courting the fucking Patriots in a farce to move them to CT so he didn't care when a lowly NHL team left.

Fuck Karmanos.