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t1_jbeojn4 wrote

Guess what happens when a house gets put on the open market? My neighborhood went from for sale signs every where to orange license plates on weekends. The mom and pop stores benefit. Your CT isn't the only CT.


t1_jbeqyli wrote

Mom and pop stores do not benefit. My friends are store owners (furniture, gift stores, hardware) in one of these towns that has seen an influx of weekend New Yorkers and they have seen an absolute decrease in business as "locals" have moved out. These weekend-only folks do not bring new business with them at all. They arrive by car with everything already from home and then leave without really shopping locally.

It is a serious problem, though time will tell if this trend will continue or if the NY folks will set down some roots and establish new patterns of behavior. But right now it sucks.


t1_jberwwn wrote

Oh Bother. Your talking to an owner. We have benefitted from city folk for years so word of mouth helps. My wife and I don’t even find it odd anymore how we learn more about our own community from our new neighbors thanks to their fresh eyes. There’s always been a local element who disliked distrusted newcomers. Life has no guarantees. If people are moving out, embrace the newcomers before they find someplace that will welcome them while turning their place where you are into a shitty air bee and be.


t1_jbesq3y wrote

Nice that you are having a different experience than my friends who were complaining. Perhaps it is the town and how transitory it is? My friends are in Madison/Guilford/Old Saybrook, which might explain some of it?


t1_jbetcz3 wrote

Perhaps. I like that area and do believe in supporting local, even while traveling. Good luck to your friends and community.