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nofishontuesday2 t1_itu454o wrote

No, but he’ll siphon votes from unhappy Dems.

Hopefully enough to flip CT to Republican


LightningBirdsAreGo t1_ituas63 wrote

Maybe but most dems are pretty satisfied with lamont. I understand you have your point of view and you would prefer a Republican governor but I can’t see it happening because of disillusioned democrats voting Republican.


nofishontuesday2 t1_itujefv wrote

I actually don’t have an issue with Lamont. However, I do have a HUGE issue with the Democratic Party as a whole. The Democrats need to cut the cancer out of themselves in order to save themselves from people such as myself who will vote strictly on party lines in order to get them out of power.


usmercenary t1_ituop4s wrote

Do you feel the same way about the republican party?


LightningBirdsAreGo t1_itujn3i wrote

“ Cut the cancer out? “ Could you be more specific please?


nofishontuesday2 t1_itumvfe wrote

Yes, it’s quite obvious. It’s called shifting blame. It’s been a Democrat tactic since the party has become this leftist propaganda machine.


LightningBirdsAreGo t1_ituw27p wrote

Please give me a specific example not something equally vague. I’m actually interested in what you’re talking about. What cancer are you referring to? What examples of shifting blame are you referring to? Who is shifting blame? Where is the blame being being shifted to? Where do you think the blame for this specific thing belongs? If you are hoping to convince people you need to be specific. I’m open minded to new info but it can’t be general. Thank you.


nofishontuesday2 t1_ituxl2d wrote

Jesus Christ, are you serious?

Just turn on any news source. The January 6th nonsense. The covid crisis, the list hoes on and on over the bullshit that the left projects on the right and center voting people.

I’ve got better things to do than argue this obvious topic.

Hope the weather is good in China. You should go for a walk and clear your mind of the bullshit that’s in it.


LightningBirdsAreGo t1_ituz9ac wrote

As per your request the weather for Beijing, China today is 63F/17C mostly cloudy.