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asspirate420 t1_it21qn5 wrote

Yes, we need early voting and excuse free absentee.


Aildari t1_it2wxyj wrote

And those voter information booklets that other states send out.


TheSmokingLoon t1_it2xn6e wrote

I'd go as far and make it a holiday so everything except polling places are shut down


asspirate420 t1_it3cks2 wrote

Problem with that is it only really serves public sector employees, banks, schools, and the limited fee that actually have off for holidays. Doesn’t help the majority of private sector service workers.


TheSmokingLoon t1_it3czs9 wrote

I meant everything, everything no exceptions


asspirate420 t1_it3es2r wrote

Ideally yes, i’m all for it, but good luck forcing Walmart and the Amazon warehouse to let their workers off.