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AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_it1yhy0 wrote

An election denier is against early voting? That's shocking.


Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_it1vatz wrote

The more people that vote the less likely Republicans win.

It's literally that simple.


chikingoblin t1_it2j7wi wrote

Any party or candidate that is against safe expanded access to voting must be closely scrutinized. There is literally no good reason to not allow more opportunities for people to vote.


blkbkrider t1_it2o21f wrote

Vote early and often, huh?


chikingoblin t1_it2s80a wrote

If you can show me evidence that early voting leads to voting fraud (and no I'm not talking about 0.00001% of cases) then I'll change my tune.


blkbkrider t1_it2ty4s wrote

I don't need you to change your tune. Stick to your guns if you wish.

I am saying there is zero reason for early voting.


chikingoblin t1_it2w743 wrote

It allows for greater voter participation which is reason enough.


blkbkrider t1_it2x1vc wrote

Absentee ballots cover that.

anything else allows for fraud. Anyone, regardless of party affiliation, can stuff the ballot box. If you disagree you have much greater faith in humanity than I do.


chikingoblin t1_it2xe3g wrote

>show me evidence that early voting leads to voting fraud


blkbkrider t1_it2zt3k wrote

Really? There's tons of it. All you have to do is look.

Why do you want to increase the opportunity for fraud?

Here's one, I can go on all day

On the flip side, perhaps you can demonstrate a need?


chikingoblin t1_it310kr wrote


But I'm glad you agree one case is enough to enact policy. Which is why I support removing guns from the hands of law abiding citizens because clearly, we have too much faith in humanity for people to own guns and if even a super minority of people commit heinous tragedies like Uvalde or the killing of 2 Bristol cops then we can't take any chances, right?


blkbkrider t1_it323le wrote

​ gotta get those pesky guns from criminals. Good luck.

So, one yes vote for early voting and one no vote.

You still have not demonstrated a need for it. Just because?


eat_my_shorts_Reddit t1_it3tqla wrote

“conspiring to violate voting rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections, bribery of an election official, falsification of records, voting more than once in federal elections, and obstruction of justice.”

Your article has nothing to do with early voting leading to voter fraud.


blkbkrider t1_it3zizc wrote

You think he did that on election day?

I have a bridge for sale if you're interested. It's a really nice bridge! :D


G3Saint t1_it332a9 wrote

why do 46 other states allow it if it is susceptible to fraud?


G3Saint t1_it32if1 wrote

No, it's vote early. pretty simple.


blkbkrider t1_it33w5n wrote

Yes but, why? I have yet to see a compelling reason. Every other state doing it is not a good reason.

Can I vote in April if November just doesn't work for me?


G3Saint t1_it35yig wrote

The reason why is because it gets more people to vote. You can early vote in accordance with the early voting regulation, it will have a specified time interval. There is no reason for not allowing early voting.


MawcDrums t1_it4itfi wrote

Your weird distinctions between early voting and absentee voting is silly, Early voting is absentee voting, it's just expanding it to more people. Why is that a problem?


blkbkrider t1_it4s964 wrote

Well you just said it. If Early voting is absentee voting then nothing more needs to be done.

Sorted. Thank you. :)


MawcDrums t1_it4se9l wrote

You must have missed the expanding it to more people part lol


blkbkrider t1_it4v44c wrote

You must have missed the completely unecessary part.


G3Saint t1_it27l81 wrote

Reminds me of our Liquor Laws. state residents stuck to archaic times- can't buy booze on Sunday even though most the country could. The legislature finally fixed that. Now can't vote early even though almost all of the States allow it...


gewehr44 t1_it4bnmj wrote

The state still controls alcohol pricing


purpleflyingmonster t1_it382i3 wrote

Just moved from Colorado and honestly surprised how little CT offers to make voting accessible. Early voting is an absolute must IMO, people need to work and people need to vote and we all know that even though you are supposed to be allowed to leave work to vote it’s a pretty significant complicating factor for many people.

Universal mail in is awesome. I haven’t voted in person in over a decade. Colorado has it 💯 right when it comes to accessibility. if you are registered you will receive a ballot and there are ballot drop boxes in public locations like DMV buildings and libraries. Its awesome, especially when you consider how the GOP has messed with in person voting machines in various areas there. CT could do so much better!


jengopeanuts t1_it2zfet wrote

Just early voted since I'm in school/in the army (ROTC/National guard) and wouldn't be able to make it down for that tuesday


Dimako98 t1_it4sts0 wrote

You can get an absentee ballot.


jengopeanuts t1_it52y7b wrote

I did it with my parents Idk what I did but I voted and they mailed it. No clue what it was called but I voted, all partyline except one judge where there was only 1 candidate


missvicky1025 t1_it3anom wrote

The only concessions I would make instead of early voting:

  1. Automatic voter registration at 18.
  2. $0 state provided identification for all registered voters
  3. Election Day is moved to a weekend day and/or EVERYTHING is closed on Election Day with the exception of emergency services.

blkbkrider t1_it517ka wrote

Here's something else to consider.

Let's say early voting is all above board. One person, one vote.

Someboday has to count that vote. What if that somebody doesn't like the vote and destroys the ballot? Then does so on a grand scale (even one is too many).

Again I say, why take the chance?


asspirate420 t1_it20nck wrote

Let the legislature decide. Voting yes doesn’t mean it will be out in place immediately, it means the legislature (and all the parties) have the chance to work on it.


roo-ster t1_it21gi6 wrote

Voting is a right that protects other rights, which is why is shouldn't be made harder, ever.


asspirate420 t1_it21qn5 wrote

Yes, we need early voting and excuse free absentee.


Aildari t1_it2wxyj wrote

And those voter information booklets that other states send out.


TheSmokingLoon t1_it2xn6e wrote

I'd go as far and make it a holiday so everything except polling places are shut down


asspirate420 t1_it3cks2 wrote

Problem with that is it only really serves public sector employees, banks, schools, and the limited fee that actually have off for holidays. Doesn’t help the majority of private sector service workers.


TheSmokingLoon t1_it3czs9 wrote

I meant everything, everything no exceptions


asspirate420 t1_it3es2r wrote

Ideally yes, i’m all for it, but good luck forcing Walmart and the Amazon warehouse to let their workers off.