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adam_west_ t1_itd9z9u wrote

Greed—-They are all still fighting over the cut, meanwhile markets in mass , ri & ny continue to grow and generate revenue for their states.


_xXmyusernameXx_ t1_itdqn03 wrote

Not just generating revenue for their states, they are getting a lot of it from CT residents. I go up to Mass once a month and drop a couple hundred bucks that could easily be going to a local CT shop. Multiply that by the few thousand people who do the same thing and CT is missing out on a lot of potential income from marijuana sales.

Edit: typo


adam_west_ t1_itduq09 wrote

I know. On a recent trip to a mass dispensary CT cars outnumbered other state license plates …


Slapchop420 t1_ite4api wrote

We spend that a week in MA. We don't mind because we make a family trip out of it. Too bad the state can't get their shit together though. Just us alone is easily over $1200/month after taxes.


Swede577 t1_itgd0da wrote

If your spending that kind of money look into driving out to Western NY to the native american stores where ounces are like $60 with no taxes or fees.


[deleted] t1_ite6mw2 wrote



Slapchop420 t1_ite7hr5 wrote

Apparently not. Been trying but people haven't had the quality we want. We also like variety. Concentrate is a must as well.

We did have a connect for a minute but she's too bat shit to deal with anymore. She was okay quality at a decent price. Mainly she always had variety and consistent and that's what kept us dealing with her nonsense. We are open to more local peeps and prefer it. We just don't want stupid bullshit drama with it.


thethurstonhowell t1_itfvzis wrote

There are no dispensaries open in NY yet. It’s the same story there.

RI also doesn’t have any open yet.

Did you mean to just say Mass?


TreeEleben t1_itdlidl wrote

The state government is still working on making sure the large multi state corporations will be the only dispensaries allowed.

These companies sell moldy trash buds with blatantly fake THC percentages.


ictwill t1_ite1suu wrote

Fun fact - Vermont just started recreational sales THIS MONTH which is 4 years after they passed recreational use laws.

The first laws addressing medical marijuana in Vermont date back to 2004, which was 18 years ago...


CaptServo t1_itgc290 wrote

Vermont did allow grow your own instantly for rec, meanwhile CT only allows it for med.


Swimming_Area6016 t1_itdfjwu wrote

Everything done by the state of CT takes forever lol


[deleted] t1_itey3we wrote

If they can’t open shops they should at least allow farmers market/vendor type of events. It’s very clear with how the medical market is set up that social equity is not going to happen and that all these huge corporations, some of which are sketchy and produce bad products, get first bid.

It’s terrible because like legal weed is awesome and they’re clearly just sucking so badly with everything. Legal cannabis is great. Corporate weed sucks . It’s gonna be shit in these shops.

No growing outside either? Fuck you.

This is not what we voted for.

I’m grateful they legalized at all. Thank god Lamont did it . Listening to the two special sessions was fucking terrible… republicans tried so hard to stop it from happening.

So I’m grateful and happy it’s legalized and will continue to enjoy the shit outta it but these are my complaints lol.

People in illegal states can’t bitch about this so I feel privileged.


mattyzucks t1_itdefzx wrote

It was the same in all the other states that legalized too. Takes a long time for the regulatory shit to get sorted


phunky_1 t1_itdukun wrote

Rhode island just legalized at the end of may and recreational sales start on 12/1.


mattyzucks t1_ite080m wrote

If that actually happens so quickly I'd be really surprised but good for them if it does


phunky_1 t1_ite7s6z wrote

I think it will.

At first all their medical dispensaries will sell recreationally.

Followed by additional dispensaries being added.

They also let people grow their own the day the bill was signed by the governor.

Which is what should have happened in CT.


MusicMan99112 OP t1_ite0bk2 wrote

I read about this. I don’t know why CT isn’t doing the same. There doesn’t seem to be a clear reason as to why.

Also the applications for Hybrid closed in May and still no word on them whatsoever. Seems like they are purposely stalling for some reason.


bubbygups t1_ite52dk wrote

I can take a while, but states like VT who have also legalized it are also really dragging their feet.


loumac1793 t1_itdnrp8 wrote

Greed and politics. Gonna try to get the most taxes outta it. Also some towns are fighting against having them in or around them.


ampico9 t1_itedh52 wrote

They are trying to figure out how to "Eversource" it!


1mJustALurk3r t1_itdji7x wrote

Bribes aren't done yet.

Oh, I see someone already posted 'Politics'. Sorry, didn't mean to be redundant. ;)


thtregrl513 t1_itevc6p wrote

It took almost three years from law to store open in Maine. Part of that was the pandemic, but still. It took awhile to get protocols in place. Worth the wait tho.


gyokuro t1_itg3hai wrote

The answer is quite simple, the longer it takes, the more advantage the multi state operators have. They have said this openly themselves.


New_Effective_8773 t1_itdww6j wrote

It is absolutely ridiculous. I'll take the bus once a month to South Station MA to purchase edibles. That money could easily be going to CT.


Ornery-Confusion-920 t1_iteb8ur wrote

Like everything else that has government oversight it takes time for the process.


MongooseProXC t1_iti5d2w wrote

They're constructing a DUI task force first.


A55holeface t1_itdq1a2 wrote

What is the best spot in MA for legal bud?


rabidpirate t1_itdt1nn wrote

Save yourself some money, drive up to portland maine and buy in bulk. it's so much cheaper there that it's worth the drive


smurphy8536 t1_itdx43a wrote

It was the same in MA. I moved from CT to Boston after they legalized expecting lots of recreational access. Had to get not so legally for almost 3 years before they actually had recreational.


BisexualDisaster29 t1_itelmwo wrote

They suck. I’ll just keep buying from my friend who grows it herself.


sporky211 t1_iteouxd wrote

Same thing happened in Massachusetts when we had it legalized it took almost 22 months for the first sale to happen its just the legislators figuring out the specifics down to the last dot for it, don't worry it'll happen before you know it :)


bakedmaga2020 t1_itf1vkw wrote

It may as well already be a thing. My smoke shop has been openly selling it for the past year


Xyldarran t1_itg2ogd wrote

The funny thing is if you look at other states that legalized and how long it took them CT is going about average speed.


Yowowser t1_itk3hpg wrote

I think I'll probably keep going to theory until I hear CT catches up. Theory started slow , but now you're in and out the door, unless you want to dilly dally. When they started they were all cute getting you to smell it , weighting in front of you. Now it's like an 1/8 of this and 1/8:of that bam out the door.


76before84 t1_itl0suy wrote

I thought it was coming soon, like beginning of the new year. Honestly can't see why the hold up outside of bureaucratic incompetence.

As people have stated. All the states around have introduced it, so we are losing potential revenue for something people already buying and legally possessing.


[deleted] t1_itdgqib wrote

Seemingly too much politicking over the social equity council


andyman171 t1_itdspdc wrote

Gotta grease the wheels