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Mtsteel67 t1_iu4b0sf wrote

Really, oh wow didn't know I had privilege. So what exactly is this privilege?

On the other hand, never mind because someone that throws that word around is just a attention seeking grown up child at the end of the day that has no clue what life is about.

Maybe some day you will be a real boy


ObiWan_Cannoli_ t1_iu4l43f wrote

Go to bed grandpa


Mtsteel67 t1_iu6m5l8 wrote

"Go to bed grandpa"

LOL, that the best you have?

I will take experience over youth any day of the week


ObiWan_Cannoli_ t1_iu6n50b wrote

Okay, don’t forget to take your friday pills


Mtsteel67 t1_iu6t39j wrote

I don't do drugs, not good for the body or mind.

Been interesting, well not really.

enjoy the weekend