Mtsteel67 t1_iudow2k wrote
I'm sure there is some issue or issues that is near and dear to you.
So look at each person running in your district and then look up their voting record on those issues -(if they have already been in office) if they have not voted then you have check out their website or call them up and ask them what their stance is and how they would vote on it.
Ignore the ads, the flyers unless it has their voting record on it.
If I'm unclear about issues here is a example;
You feel strongly about supporting 2a, well look at the persons voting record on 2a issues, if they have voted for gun bans, gun control, etc... anything that strips you of your liberty and right then you vote for the other person.
Also look at the party involved does the main party support 2a or do they support stripping you of your rights? Because typical anyone in office just votes party line regardless of their background or personal feelings on the matter.
Not going to name names but one person in office currently -(who I know personally) voted against law enforcement -(and they are retired law enforcement) because it was the party line to vote against.
And before you ask, I refuse to vote for them and I like them. As I have told them to their face until they stop voting party line they will never get my vote.
Mtsteel67 t1_iu6t39j wrote
Reply to comment by ObiWan_Cannoli_ in how was this POS allowed to walk? by AdHistorical7107
I don't do drugs, not good for the body or mind.
Been interesting, well not really.
enjoy the weekend
Mtsteel67 t1_iu6m5l8 wrote
Reply to comment by ObiWan_Cannoli_ in how was this POS allowed to walk? by AdHistorical7107
"Go to bed grandpa"
LOL, that the best you have?
I will take experience over youth any day of the week
Mtsteel67 t1_iu4b0sf wrote
Reply to comment by ObiWan_Cannoli_ in how was this POS allowed to walk? by AdHistorical7107
Really, oh wow didn't know I had privilege. So what exactly is this privilege?
On the other hand, never mind because someone that throws that word around is just a attention seeking grown up child at the end of the day that has no clue what life is about.
Maybe some day you will be a real boy
Mtsteel67 t1_iu4aich wrote
Reply to comment by GoPikachuGo1 in how was this POS allowed to walk? by AdHistorical7107
"Because systemic racism isn't a real thing, right? Just used to get an emotional response? MAYBE THIS IS WHY PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE RACIST."
I'm not the one that brought color into it
Why do I say that? Oh I don't know maybe because you don't know What color I am. I might be black, brown, white, hell I might be purple.
But you immediately assume the worst.
Maybe take a look at the facts such as who is committing the higher percentage of crime.
Then to break that down further look at each state.
But nope that doesn't matter because it's SYSTEMIC RACISM!!!!!!!
Grow the fuck up and just stop it.
like I said, criminals are criminals doesn't matter what color they are if they are committing crimes.
Mtsteel67 t1_iu0dj97 wrote
Reply to comment by GoPikachuGo1 in how was this POS allowed to walk? by AdHistorical7107
Buzz words like systemic racism are elicited to get a emotional response to ignore facts.
Race plays no part in criminals behavior except for crimes where one race targets another simple for their skin color.
Does it matter what color you are if you drink and drive and up end crashing and hurting or killing another person?
Does it matter what color you are if you commit a armed robbery against another person?
Does it matter what color you are if you commit rape, murder, etc...?
You commit a crime against another person I don't care what color you are, you are a criminal that should be put in prison.
Mtsteel67 t1_iu03o3x wrote
Reply to how was this POS allowed to walk? by AdHistorical7107
Well that is our court system.
Almost every single criminal that is arrested and does time will be back out on the street sooner or later.
I say almost because there are people doing 80 plus years behind bars that will never get out.
Also with our court system let's say a guy kidnaps and rapes a woman.
He gets arrested for 1st degree kidnap and rape and should be looking at say 20 years behind bars -(Mind you the amount of years is a rough estimate). Typical his lawyer plea bargains it down to 2nd degree and he only gets 10 years behind bars.
Then he takes programs and other such things behind bars, doesn't get in trouble and he is out on parole after say 5 or 6 years sometimes quicker.
Everyone should be able to get a second chance except for certain crimes that are just reprehensible.
Commit a serious crime 2nd time, time behind bars should be doubled.
3rd time, quadrupled time behind bars.
4th time, life in prison.
And if it's really serious, death.
Mtsteel67 t1_jc6fhx2 wrote
Reply to How much snow is Connecticut getting? by duskyxlops
Depends on what town you live in
the further north you go the more snow you get.
Closer to the shoreline the less snow.