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hatecliff909 t1_iub6pca wrote

You need to scare the bear away. It's important that bears fear humans. Make as much noise as possible, aggressive movement, do whatever it takes to instill fear. This for your benefit and also the bear's.


happyjammy123 OP t1_iub75ie wrote

I have an air horn that works really well, the neighbor's don't like it much but I don't give a shit, for me its what's best for the bear. He really is beautiful


hatecliff909 t1_iub8r3j wrote

Ya good for you! Neighbor's should want you scaring bear away, they are insane to object


rare__air t1_iuahf47 wrote

He's a big fella. Someone must have a bird feeder or nice smelly trash can nearby.


happyjammy123 OP t1_iual248 wrote

Could be, I just remembered there is a creek in my backyard, possibly swinging by for a drink


LizzieBordensPetRock t1_iuaxokf wrote

Current DEEP suggestion is loud noises and stuff to scare him away, rather than encourage him to hang out.


happyjammy123 OP t1_iub0vfd wrote

I yell at him and for the most part he takes off into the woods


SSoviet_Slayer t1_iuckk20 wrote

Been saying they are becoming super dangerous for months last week some kid got tore up…what all of the sudden there’s an explosion of housing developments in ct all of the sudden right…need to open up a season to cull some numbers imo