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AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_isuq4hj wrote

I'd love to show everyone some leaves. Come over, grab a rake.


ruinal_C t1_isvcado wrote

As someone who enjoys an afternoon nap, thank you for using a rake.


KJK998 OP t1_isvd1qe wrote

You’re gonna love my new 9010.

Fuckin thing rattles your teeth, but the wind it creates is insane.


ProInvestCK t1_isvvwdc wrote

Just don’t use it in January at 3 in the morning


Rancor_Keeper t1_isy1kds wrote

I wish the grounds crew for my condo knew this, because I too am an afternoon napper.


Suitable_Broccoli804 t1_isvnt28 wrote


“Besides providing the right plants, and protecting your garden from pesticides, one of the next most valuable things you can do to support pollinators and other invertebrates is to provide them with the winter cover they need in the form of fall leaves and standing dead plant material… the vast majority of butterflies and moths overwinter in the landscape as an egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, or adult. In all but the warmest climates, these butterflies use leaf litter for winter cover. Great spangled fritillary and wooly bear caterpillars tuck themselves into a pile of leaves for protection from cold weather and predators. Red-banded hairstreaks lay their eggs on fallen oak leaves, which become the first food of the caterpillars when they emerge. Luna moths and swallowtail butterflies disguise their cocoons and chrysalises as dried leaves, blending in with the ‘real’ leaves”



asspirate420 t1_isvssrm wrote

i’m leaving them because i’m a lazy shit and also i like fireflies too


Suitable_Broccoli804 t1_isw7mq2 wrote

You’re using your energy for better things- you’re helping fireflies and other critters that live in the leaves by leaving the leaves alone. Fallen leaves are very pretty anyway. I don’t think leaves on grass looks messy, especially ever since I learned how many invertebrates live in them… and this helps to feed the birds too…


Tarantula_Saurus_Rex t1_isxd34b wrote

How do leaves help with fireflies?


Suitable_Broccoli804 t1_isxh4z3 wrote

Fireflies lay their eggs in leaf litter. They are beetles and the larvae live in dead leaves. I just searched the internet about it and these are some articles/blogs about it:


Tarantula_Saurus_Rex t1_iszu6yp wrote

Neato. A reason to avoid all my oak tree leaves!


Suitable_Broccoli804 t1_it0sndg wrote

Oak trees are incredibly popular for hundreds of butterfly and moth species!


Tarantula_Saurus_Rex t1_it1z76n wrote

Omg I know. I have this literal canopy of oak trees covering my cabin. On all sides of my house. They're huge, old, creeky, and super messy this time of year with twigs and tons of acorns. The amount of moths and butterflies around here is crazy. In the summer, every day, I have to scoop them out of my front vestibule by the dozens. I grab them all and put them in the grass because the birds see and come to eat them.


burnthamt t1_isvzaae wrote

People rake the leaves so their lawn stays nice. r/NoLawns


Suitable_Broccoli804 t1_isw6i46 wrote

r/NoLawns is great and growing in popularity over time. Glad that the lawn aesthetic is dying out, and that native plants that help pollinators are increasingly more and more popular.


ThemesOfMurderBears t1_isya6a0 wrote

Since I've becoming a homeowner, there was one fall where I didn't touch the leaves. My wife had just had a back surgery, so I was on full time parent-and-home-duty -- all while still working.

Come spring, my lawn was pretty much completely clear of leaves anyway.


Determined_Cucumber t1_iswwo9c wrote

Well if anything I’m at least gonna rake my driveway. I can’t even see the entrance anymore.


TheBlueSapphire t1_isy77ud wrote

I would to leave the leaves but the only problem that i have is it will damage my lawn and I get a patchy lawn. I usually mulch the leaves this way I don’t have to throw leaves away and its a good fert as well


Suitable_Broccoli804 t1_isybs2f wrote

Yes, leaves are good fertilizer. Personally, I think perfect looking/golf course/ country club-looking lawns have become less attractive the more I have learned about the amount of chemicals, monoculture, and destruction of natural landscape that is involved in the maintenance of a certain aesthetic. Maybe the patches in your lawn really aren’t a big deal to most people, but yeah I guess many people learned that their yard is supposed to look a certain way (according to some people). I just hope that people over time care to help out invertebrates because I’ve noticed a massive decline in fireflies and insects in general over my lifetime. 🍂🍁🪲🐛🦋 I miss the fireflies and other insects that used to fly up to lights outside at night… there aren’t as many anymore.


Determined_Cucumber t1_iswwks6 wrote

As someone originally from the south dealing with pine needles, I was distraught to have spent an hour raking leaves two days ago only to come back to my driveway covered in leaves again.


so2017 t1_isut3x5 wrote

This is better than the two weeks we spent on license plates.


Dingareth t1_isv1sna wrote

I'll take pictures of leaves over a a gas price thread any day.


Purple-Blood9669 t1_isv3itu wrote

Sometimes there are animal pics, too. I thought I finally had a contribution, but I realized I saw a bungee cord behind my garage- not a snake.


maybe_little_pinch t1_isvg5au wrote

But a bungee cord snake would totally fit the golden retriever lion post trend.


Purple-Blood9669 t1_isvnvhf wrote

It totally would! I live in the Quiet Corner so it was like, next-level excitement for me. I was shook.


merryone2K t1_isuzebu wrote

I, for one, am loving them - keep 'em coming!!


KungLa0 t1_isuwzza wrote

Wait till it snows, then we'll get to see what CT looks like in the snow. I know you've all been wondering.


Pruedrive t1_isuw905 wrote

Nothing wrong with it.. better than people bitching about Eversorces horse shit, or the litany of other waste of time topics we get down to here.


KJK998 OP t1_isuyjeq wrote

Wait, this isn’t just a place to bitch?


Pruedrive t1_isuyxsu wrote

Sometimes it isn’t.. shocker I know, but when it comes to things like admiring something beautiful and unique about this place let em have their fun. We are only a couple weeks away from voting season, and when that white shit starts flying.. so this quiet before the literal and proverbial “storm” is more than welcomed.


fdm001 t1_isx0ot2 wrote

That’s been my experience with Connecticut too


smarjorie t1_isuw84j wrote

As someone who moved from CT to a city last year, I both appreciate all these foliage posts and resent them for making me feel homesick


danathecount t1_isv5kmu wrote

To be fair, that tree's foliage is fucking glorious.


Kind_Mountain1657 t1_isviv5u wrote

Let's be honest, this time of year is the best thing about living in Connecticut.


kaiken1987 t1_isv8sh1 wrote

They're good trees Brent


CaesarSaladin7 t1_isv3j6z wrote

You got a problem with pretty leaves? Let people have their joy.


CaptainAlliance t1_isw2s4m wrote

To be fair, we're pretty much going to end up looking like a winter wasteland with little to no snow on the ground and vast expanses of lifeless, leafless deciduous trees once mid-November hits. Let us enjoy this brief moment of color before we end up with 6 months of depressing woodlands.


jules13131382 t1_isvc037 wrote

well this is a beautiful autumn so....


professor_doom t1_isv7tka wrote

Growing up on the western edge of CT, the New Yorkers coming over were like the insane version of this


OfAnthony t1_isvzq35 wrote

"Got your tree quatah bro!" - A New Yorker

That's not what the tree is about and we speak perfect English.


darthirule t1_iswhuju wrote

I didn't realize how many people actually came to New England to look at our leaves in the fall. I always thought people over exaggerated it until I saw videos on tik tok of back roads at a stand still and the break down lanes of highways being turned into a parking lot of people looking at leaves.


iCUman t1_isvmp2f wrote

I love it. Keep 'em coming. The natural beauty of this state is greatly underappreciated.


diabolicalcarpmaster t1_isy0v1v wrote

Yeah! This sub's only purpose is to complain about left lane drivers and ask what Bob Stefanowski's platform is.


Purple-Blood9669 t1_isv4885 wrote

CT doesn't have to make fun of itself. That's what the Massachusetts subreddit is for.


pridkett t1_isvdyzt wrote

Need more bears.


Synapse82 t1_isxd9l0 wrote

This is actually a good meme lol Also, true. But hey I welcome to the posts and look forward to the first heavy snow posts!


Jawaka99 t1_isxg0k2 wrote

There should be single mega-threads for this stuff


Sonakstyle t1_isxqn4b wrote

We love our leaves!!! Back to sunsets soon


Heavnly19 t1_isyk6ph wrote

Accurate, but I ain't mad about it!


trombonekid t1_isylj3i wrote

I mean, it fucking rules dog. Nature is incredible!


Bossgnom3 t1_isv36wm wrote



Ryu6912 t1_isveloi wrote

Wow an actual good meme in this subreddit, color me surprised.


liquidprotein t1_isveyxb wrote

Heublein Tower? Barkhamsted reservoir?


RectangularAnus t1_iswiht6 wrote

And I'm over here just massively depressed that everything is gonna be dead... I KNOW! If you don't like it leave....Was born here. Trying. Moving isn't cheap.


Determined_Cucumber t1_iswwrb6 wrote

Gotta admit, CT is putting up some interesting competition when comparing fall pics to my old place over at the blue ridge parkway.

This place is surprisingly pretty in the fall.


sir-based-alot t1_isx4g1j wrote

Can you believe there people who literally live in a desert and never see pretty trees?


ThemesOfMurderBears t1_isy9pmi wrote

This happens all over reddit. Some topics don't have enough to post and talk about to satiate the amount of interest on reddit. So you end up with these lopsided chunks of time where something interesting is done to death. This is compounded by the fact that posts with photos are the most engaged with to an overwhelmingly staggering degree.

I was a member of the monitors subreddit for a bit. Lots of complaints about what people were posting (like troubleshooting). As it turns out, monitors are hardly interesting enough to warranty multiple daily posts.


rabidpirate t1_isv57o6 wrote

I hate it. It's more yardwork. Frankly when I eventually move this will be one of the things I will miss the least.


Suitable_Broccoli804 t1_isw84nr wrote

Just leave the leaves on the ground. No need to rake them. Leaf blowing is damaging to invertebrates that live in the leaves and the ground. It’s good and healthy for the invertebrates that live in them to leave the leaves alone. It also helps to support various pollinators and butterflies… By reducing raking and just leaving the leaves where they are, you save time, energy, and are doing something good for the planet. And it provides more food for the native birds in the area. I also think honestly that leaves on lawns are pretty.


RectangularAnus t1_iswio3u wrote

Only cuz you make it so. I HATE this shit.... I'm a tropical dude. But I grew up here and raking is entirely unnecessary.


DarkDeSantis t1_isumgmc wrote

It's really just the shore yorkers who are new here or legitimately gorgeous fall photos.


x6tance t1_isuzz4r wrote

Leaves change colour in NY, too, though. So, not sure what's different.


theundeadpixel t1_isv4zmn wrote

What if you combined a tree with a woman’s foot?


RectangularAnus t1_iswike6 wrote

Quite possibly a broken foot or angle, at what velocity are you combining them?


I_VAPE_HOTDOG_WATER t1_isv5gi2 wrote

I'm telling you now, prepare for the snow posts!

Y'all think I'm joking about sending snow to Florida

Forget about mistaking a Labrador for a Bobcat, we need Buddy back!
